Sunday 1 February 2009

Cups of Tea 57 - 60

Christ alive! That's 60 cups of tea in 32 days. When you think about it that's not really that much, but seeings as these boil down to one day of not having one cup and the next having 6. I must drink moooore!

Design seems to slump for me at the weekend... Work just drains every inch of inspiration and replaces it for sheer hatred of working a 9 to 5 (even though I work from 7... BAH). I just don't get how people can be content to working in sheer, spirit crushing retail. It makes me believe in Ken Garland's first things first manifesto even more... Seeing people buying things because their told, completely impulsively and it's usually bollocks. Two customers have summed up this weekend for their sheer comic genius that couldn't be written by even the Python team.

One woman once showed a television with an i-pod dock atop it didn't comment on this feature as "how marvelous technology is these days" but from the front of the television and the "keyhole"... to which a college said "I think you'll find that's the stand by button."

The second, a young girl about 19 (I love saying "young" about teenagers, I'm so bitter about being 20 haha) asked a friend to recommend a good, dry white wine. He curiously responded "Yes, of course. Which country?" To which she replied "Well. I'm Welsh..."

I'm not pretentious. Just being subjected to such events for the past four years is purely spirit crushing. Gotta hate retail. No wonder a lot more people are applying to do creative courses... Much like First things First, my own personal statement against this is using the depot number 96... I go on about it a lot to people I know so I won't mention it again. But I put a small helvetica "96" in every piece of work I do... they're usually VERY well hidden but i'm thinking of making them a more prominant piece of my work.

God, let me win the lottery so I don't have to do this anymore xD

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