Aye, I am so sleepy. Please don't tell my manager...
A most normal Tuesday was had today old chaps. I got up at the usual 0800 hours, had a spot of blighty and went chim-chim on my merry old way to the University. Such technological wonders astound and intrigue me, so much so that I did absolutely diddly squat. Cor Blimey, if I hadn't gone I wouldn't have missed a tuppenny bit. All I did was sit at the old Macintosh and had a chinwag around the water fountain with some of the chaps about global policy and who's butler was the better shoe shiner.
OK, so that's a lie. I fancied a bit of a toff rant... as Gem will undoubtedly agree, I've been in a bloody strange mood today. It is true, I did nothing this morning in Uni other than get a little help with my stamps brief (as much as I loved my game boy, I wasn't to happy with the other two stamps...) so now I'm on the same track, just using different shoes I guess.
Learned some nice things in my illustrator elective though, a few things I didn't know how to do such as additional strokes / fill colours and also got a better understanding of the arm tools. Also gotta draw 5 rough sketches from a list to vector up next week.
Unfortunately, I've been subjected to a the biggest '70s cheese music for the past 3 hours, thankfully it's now stopped (I hate ABBA...)... So as any gentleman would do I just slapped The Fresh Legs on full blast and stuck a speaker to the wall! I also got added by quite a cool clothing company earlier, might have to pick up one of THESE on Friday.
Right then kids, time to go to bed. Tomorrow there's an Essay to write, at least 6 master Pages to design and two more stamps to design (and tweak the current 4). So I'll leave you with a gander of what I've done... as much as I hate internet pictures these will have to suffice I'm afraid... to late to go out finding interesting looking TVs, especially with the rest of the work I've got on!
Glad you like the shirts and don't mind the random add!
Will - Squishi