Thursday 3 March 2011

Cups of Tea 1214 - 1227

Shoop da woop... Blogging daily starts again today! Yes sir, as I believe it is the only way for me to keep designing to a quality I enjoy... otherwise, I'm just banging my head against the wall with all the stuff going on at the moment...

A fairly unproductive day... though I have thought of some amazing ideas, which is always a good thing. I'm currently working on my music prints (Yes, I did say prints...) and also 3 posters for the marketing campaign mentioned in the last blog post... Hopefully I'll have the two music prints to show tomorrow, and the marketing campaign posters over the weekend :)

In non design related news... I kinda want a 3DS... Not enough to warrant the £229 it costs, but I do still want one all the same after experiencing it for the first time. Played it in both HMV and game and WOW, it's quite nice! The way it handles augmented reality was quite special...

I highly recommend checking it out if you've got time to kill near a HMV store, as at least the guy demoing it in Swansea was really cool and seemed passionate about it... where as in Game, they tried to high pressure us into pre-ordering it (which really doesn't work...).

Other than this youtube video, I'll leave you with one of the funniest things I've seen in awhile... Thanks Tim!

It makes me lol because Charlie Sheen has turned into Butthead when he speaks xD

M x

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