Friday 19 February 2010

Cups of Tea 0099 - 0104

Haha 100 cups of tea in 50 days, it's not bad going really... At least I'm not going to die of tea related illnesses!

Moving on, not the best day in terms of productivity (i didn't get to my parents until 5, so by the time I settled down and started working it was almost 6...) but my creativity is certainly back in full swing. I'm guessing it's either through the mark making I've been doing (next I'll be doing regular mandalas...) or if it's been a combination of eating/sleeping better, but i'm feeling more together as a designer again. Haza!

Other than mark making, I got a lot of research analyised and got some ulterior logos/developement down... Also cooking up something for my presentation on monday... It's going to be cool!

Bed time now!

M x

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