Thursday 11 August 2011

Cups of Tea 1940 - 1947

A lot of Tea drunk today as I've done quite alot of brainstorming and basic fleshing out of ideas... again, none of which I can show at this moment in time! Yes, it's bloody frustrating! But as I can reveal the name and logo of mine and Gem's clothing company tomorrow, it shall all be worth it... That and y'know, these designs are going to look pretty damned sweet :)

I was going to post up a few designs from a side project I started today tonight, but I didn't realize my Nephew was home today... His Mum and Step-Dad are moving to London in 2 weeks, so after Saturday, I don't actually know when I'll see him next... which has left me with mixed reactions... So naturally, I stopped work for the day when he walked in the door, but it will commence again tomorrow! At least I'll be able to talk about half the stuff I'm working on then...

So for tonight, I shall leave you with another find from the world wide web during my blogging hiatus...

The colour of
is a website that uses flickr picture tags to compile a colour from a large portion of images, placing each image on top of each other with a degree of transparency, to reveal the colour of that word! As you can imagine, Sunshine results in a nice yellow...

and of course 'sadness' creates a murky brown (complete with creepy childs face)... However, it can be a little hit and miss, Death was a little 'light' for my liking and 'gloom' had a definite pinky tinge. But as you can save the image, it may come in handy for some future mood boards / hipster facebook wallposts!

However, I was very sad to learn that despite what I had been lead to believe, Red was not in fact the colour of Anger... Anger is apparently a more merky orange :( (There was a band who had a song... ahh forget it...). Anyways, until tomorrow, ciao!

M x

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