Monday 29 March 2010

Cups of Tea 0173 - 0205

Lots of Tea... Lots and Lots of Tea. Why lots requires a capital letter, I don't know. But the Tea, that is surely self explanatory ;)

I'm bored of not blogging, I've been meaning to just relaunch this on but I've started reading HTML, XHTML and CSS for Dummies... and will hopefully finish it this week, meaning that next week I'll start designing it. And since I can just import this archive into there, there's really not a reason NOT to blog.

Quite alot of things happened. A few logo designs, re-pitched an idea for the club fandango flyer and got offered an over all re-brand of the entire firm because of it. Good times. My brother got married (Congrats again to Mart and Anna if either of them reads this...) and I got quite ill as a result. Whether it was mixed drinks or rich food, the result wasn't pretty.

Anyways, need to sleep.

M x

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