Friday 22 October 2010

Cups of Tea 0790 - 0795

Tea breeds creativity... or so this blog would have you believe ;)

Finished the other two packages for Red Berry / Green Teas for the re-packaging project. How spiffing?! Sorry, excuse the language... I've been playing the Professor Layton games and they do pepper my vocabulary so...

Other than that, I've started another project :o Yes, the 5th project (I'm so claiming my display face, Lenna as a small project lol...) and it's going to be quite awesome hopefully! Not sure how long to make it last though, the main focus of it has 140 episodes without the 7 spin off shows... That's all the hints I'm giving for now ;)

M x


  1. I really like these mat :)

  2. Cheers Lind :) Updated the spelling mistake on Caffeine I'd missed on the Berry net. Thanks @Rhys
