Quite alot of tea due to a long and arduous day of podcast annotation and design. This morning I got up bright and early to try and tackle the remaining TESD podcasts but then got offered by my parents a trip to the Beacon Beacons. Having never been, I said 'why the hell not?' and jumped in the car for a ride, hoping to get some photographs on the SLR. But it wasn't to be, as soon as we got into close proximity, the thickest mist i've ever seen descended on the car and the whole of the range entered Silent Hill style viability. Suffice to say, we just drove through and came back home...
So I got in around 2ish and sat down to work. Alas, it's been a hella struggle to visualize these podcasts. While some of them are to my eyes quite funny, I'm not sure what the general opinion would be... idk, I work alot better to music and obviously as I'm having to listen to podcasts as I work to meet the deadline it's starting to become abit of a chore >.<
Anyways, almost out of the first 10 TESD's and onto the Hollywood Babble-ons, so it'll hopefully be smooth sailing with Ralph and Kevin supplying the yucks... Which is weird, because TESD is probably my favourite of the three :/ So onto today's work!

TESD #5's art is based off the concept of Bryan's amazing goal keeping skills... While the original idea was to include pigtails descending from the helmet to back up Walt's claims that he 'goalies like a girl', it just didn't look right so I kept it simple. The alt. artwork depicts a phone because of half the episode's talk of prank phonecalling people within the Rec center that Bry and Walt used to work at. They don't describe the phone, but I imaged it as being an old red phone like this (it was the 70's...).

TESD #6 is mainly based around how 'Sunday' Jeff came to work at The Stash. The tale tells of loyalty and how Walt eventually trusts Jeff enough to give him his credit card to return items to stores for him. However, these return's are morally grey and end up with Walt Flannigan being put on a 'wanted' list by the now out of business entertainment stores in New Jersey. However, it turns out that they only got the name right and banned Jeff because he was returning Walt's things. The cross is through Walt for the naming purpose and the bags show returns to be made.

TESD #7 is based on the idea that Bryan wants a glass sell like Magneto to stop podcasting fans touching the guys while recording a 'live' TESD. As Quinn was yet to appear as a cover star, I threw him the Magneto hat as he's into comics. The mini picture depicts the Pod's main theme on debating whether corporal punishment is wrong, following a case where girls faced a paddling of expulsion for inappropriate prom dresses. The image is based on Bryan's visualization that a paddle looked like a paddle ball bat.

The art for TESD #8 is probably the most apt as it hits the point and appeals to the audience. It depicts Bryan as Lando Calrissian, who as for those who haven't seen Star Wars, ends up getting Han Solo frozen in carbonite by selling the main cast out to Darth Vadar, in what can only be described as a Judas move. I though visualizing Judas would be lost on the casual viewer / harsh. And after all, Lando does redeem himself!
Why Lando? purely because Bryan doesn't really stick by his friend's in the Pod by making their enemy his enemy... The Teflon refers to Bryan's ability to instigate the entire argument but take no dirt for any of it... which is possibly the funniest part of the pod
And that's it for tonight. I'm begrudgingly trying to finish #9 atm but as I'll probably end up doing no work tomorrow (it is NYE after all :D) I'll post that and 10 up then maybe!
M x