Yes kids... almost 50 cups of tea later (and 16 days later...) I return to the blog :o! Leena Script Designed, currently working on a logo for a florist (which I shall hopefully be able to show before the weekend) and a few street art related things... A new rabbit (soon to be two or 3...), initial stages of some NES inspired artwork and in the early stages of building a fake wall to tag on :) So expect alot of that soon!
Other than that, life's been nice... Back running (did 6k yesterday) and doing other cardio related workouts (press ups, crunches, light weights, cross trainer...) which is getting me back on my feet... it feels so good to have a degree of Stamina back!
Anyways, enough of the babbling, here's my concept artwork for Leena, as it's as far as I can really take it at the moment... damned limited Fontographer!

M x
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