Monday - My tracker pad dies but I complete my info graphics, which prompts celebratory drinks only for me (and it turns out later, also Adam) to get started on by some prick pulling my hair. Tuesday, still tainted by the sour taste on Monday was only productive in terms of dissertation reading. Wednesday was semi-productive, and would have been more so had I not so desperately needed to run home for a haircut... When I get back, my copy of Data Flow 2 has arrived, but the book is misprinted so it's upside down to the cover. I put it aside and when I fire up the macbook, realize the inability to click my tracker pad was cause by my Macbook's battery swelling (see picture below). FUCK!

But all of this pails in comparison to the annoying day i've had today. I mean, today takes the bloody digestives as far as ticking me off is concerned.
I take the defective and swollen battery back to the Apple store, who practically laugh at me when I ask for a replacement (even thought it's a common problem...), so I end out having to fork out my heard earned £100 on a new battery, wankers. So I take a stroll around town to cheer myself up, having a great idea for my Multimedia project I begin to raid charity shops for vintage t-shirts when I lay eyes upon THIS beautiful copy of one of my favourite movies, The Royal Tenenbaums. But alas, as you'll have probably have gathered from the website - The sucker is Region 1. FUCK!
I get home, I die a little inside. I then watch A Wes Anderson Marathon to cheer myself up (currently into Darjeeling Limited, Though I doubt I'll get to Fantastic Mr. Fox, a little to tired) and have an uber nice bath with candles in which I read a dissertation book. I then get down to the hard graft of vectoring the rest of my packaging... But low and behold, the mac freezes, forcing me to turn if off at the mains, which makes me have to repair my hard drive via Mac's "single user mode" (the equivalent of MS DOS for you PC users), the third time this has happened in two weeks, which leads me to the rather speculator grounds that the hard drive is going... I am not a happy man at this moment in time.

Anyways, here's the first in my packaging project design, the white triangles represent the window that will allow the consumer to see the foil packaging inside, which will look nice... I hope. Feedback as always, is appreciated either on here or facebook :) Now im going to go break things.
M x
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