A rather lackluster work day... I get easily distracted after a day in the cold, cold backup that is work and felt abit ill / tired when I did try and do some. Depressing, no? So I did what anyone would do, I took a few hours of me time and completed Professor Layton and The Curious Village. For those who don't know, The Prof. Layton games are DS puzzle-based visual novels, think Phoenix Wright. They're also like the crack of hand held games... the second one is already in my DS waiting for the next time I get a few hours to myself...
Short of that, I had a nap and started some brainstorms and analysis of the upcoming project as well as some character plotting for my multimedia project, both look fun but are going to kill me in terms of workload I fear :/ Only time will tell, but as I'm back in work mode, I believe I can get it all done and possibly juggle another project along side them. Possibly one of the penguin briefs?
Anyways, you're not here to hear me prattle on about games and spider diagrams, you good ladies and gents came here to see some design! Some of you will have already seen it, but for those who haven't, I present to you the completed (well, unless it gets torn a new one Monday) piece of my commodities project, Apple Eye Candy... The colour scheme is a homage to that of the Feltron 2008 report which really got me into Data-graphics way back when... I thought it only fitting to pay my respects on my first endeavor into that field!

As always, comments are appreciated :)
M x
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