Had a wicked day with Jimjam today, haven't seen the boyo for a long time so it was good to catch up and get a bear and burger. Finally got a new copy of The Usual Suspects, which means the IOU I was given last year (along with a new copy of fight club...) has been spent. Can't wait to watch that movie tomorrow, been meaning to see it again for such a long time... But in my defense, he did get a copy of Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine out of it...
So onto Smodcast #2... and I'm also going to give you lovely people #3 ;) Expect possibly 3 more tomorrow... though after a hard day at work, I can't promise anything :)

For SModcast two, I went with the image of Kevin in a 'cunt cap' as he calls them, after the use of the word in the start of the SMod (and no, we can't get call a cab driver a cunt and get away with it...), then used the description of the dirty brown bag of 'weed' (Jason) Mewes got from the dude in Time Square.

Urgh. Smodcast #3... how many times I had to listen to this podcast to try and get some kind of 'Alt. Kev' face out of it was immense and pretty frustrating... Because of the Pod's large focus on 'who should guest star on the SMod', I tried to make him look like Larry King, Then Conan O'Brien and then Jay Leno, all of them didn't seem right :/ I must have listened to it about 10 times before finally realizing that if the chat show option didn't really work, that I should probably just use something that (barely) sticks and move on with the project. So in reference to Kevin's quotation of the Hulk TV Show ("And I was lifting up the car..." which strangely, is the only bit of that podcast I can ever remember) I created a Kevin / Hulk Hybrid. The 'Bachelor' robe is from Kevin's day of lounging around in a robe with a friend at a young age... which is probably the funniest part of the podcast imho!
Until tomorrow peoplez :)
M x
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