The first half of Smod #7 talked about the American box office and how movies like Zodiac were getting beaten at the box office by movies like Wild Hogs. The image of Kev is wearing John Travolta's aviators and bandanna from the movie. The couch is the murder couch from the crazy Icelandic who promised to "show you Iceland, then I show you my ballsack", and murdered his couch surfing guests.

Smod #8's work is all from the opening story as it is mainly based around Kevin's experience of directing the Reaper pilot, the execs not casting Kyle Gass and Kev's response to it all. Elvis Kev and the scarf is based on Kevin being dragged to see an Elvis impersonator as a child and being dumbfounded as to why women went crazy for fake Elvis' scarf.

Smod #9 is based on Kevin saying all the magic of Disney world was taken from him, when he went there almost every week with Harley when the moved near. I just thought visually it would look better than the other option of a sweaty Kev (he hates running) or one with yellow teeth (Jen makes him brush his teeth in the morning). The blue Canadian flag links back to the episode title.

Smod #10 was based on the concept of Kevin infiltrating the chicken coop to discover if chickens really could communicate when nobody else was around (ala Chicken Run)... infiltrating them as a chicken himself. It took 5 attempts to get Kev looking decent, and while not exactly as described in the pod, is as close as I could get while making it visually appealing. The bear in the suit is based around Bear's becoming top of the food chain to make us the equivalent to Chicken's are to us...
And with that... I am tempted to call this project a day for now... I'm going to start the TESD ones tomorrow, but tbh am not really sure what to do with it / I want to get on with my branding project and dissertation. Either way, there'll be some work up tomorrow if I'm not viciously hungover :)
M x
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