So I went to bed and bumped my head, so I got up at 8 ready for the All-Star Game. Which I only watched for the first two periods... While there was definitely a lot of goals scored, the player's didn't seem to give a damn. There wasn't the same sense of urgency or drive that regular NHL games have (especially for the Devils) so I turned it off and began writting the outline for the podcast, which is now complete and flows a lot nicer than the last imho. We'll see how it is once it's recorded.
Anyways, I'm going back to bed because I want to post my FINISHED Cauldron packaging up tomorrow... I'm going to take a note of Rhys's book and do some nice snaps of the mocked up packaging as apposed to posting the net or a picture taken with Photobooth.
Until then, I'll leave you with a link full of great Russian Health and Safety posters I stumbled across yesterday by accident, and also the song that I haven't stopped listening to. God damn, I love me some Prog Rock sometimes!

More Posters Here.
M x
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