It took me an awful, awful long time to figure out how to set up an RSS feed so I could submit Twoddle to iTunes but after much moaning an groaning, I got it done (after 7 hours of complications...) and after that, it was time to play the waiting game for approval to have my podcast on iTunes, a process I found out can take a couple of days / weeks... But then took me less than two hours! I don't know if it's the short length or a low submission for the categories, but I was amazed and a little bit chuffed! A few people I know over on the View Askew boards have been waiting a week or more and heard nothing.
Anyways, so let me present Twoddle -

It's called Twoddle. It's nice and short,just over 6 mins. Weekly, it'll deal with
Graphic Design, the ethics involved in it and topics that generally effect the creative process... This week the topic is 'Incentive' to design / create and I guess applies to a broader scope than just designers.
It can be found on iTunes here if you'd prefer, listen to it in Word Press... Which will only be used for podcast uploads :)
The Intro / Outro is the song 'Push it Away' by Seeräuber Jenny (who kindly let me use it.) You can check out the full version of that here.
Any comments on it, will be greatly appreciated! New Horizons and all that, so all feedback is welcome...
Hope you enjoy it!
M x
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