Other than that i've just realized the time frame in which I've got to complete my projects so as of tomorrow, it's full steam ahead. I've got a ten hour shift in work which isn't going to help but nevermind... with an estimated 60 hours put into this SMod project so far on top of two 39 hour weeks, it's kinda understandable I guess :/
Anyways, here's the last of the TESD's... Yesterdays if you were silly enough to check the blog on NYE has been updated as the ghost wasn't up to scratch (admittedly I was slightly drunk while doing it him) and now looks nicer! I'll update the blurb to accompany him tomorrow too :)

TESD #10, the last of them for now... It's based on the concept of Walt and Bry seeming like a married couple... It was pretty hard to capture a veil without using a lot of transparency and still maintain a simple approach. However the blood on the candle stick in the other image just didn't look right as a thick blood, so I had to lighten it up.
So that's done. Hollywood babble-on 1 - 5 coming tomorrow even if it kills me haha!
M x
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