Done quite abit today, played Frisbee for abit on the beach with the boys (gawd I love this nice weather!), played some Red Dead (which is slowly becoming a favorite game...) and then spent the rest of my day (from 6 until now... a whole 6 hours :o) doing this stencil :D it's of a friend of mine (who I used to play a certain video game with that won't be mentioned...), she had a series of photos taken by John Andre Aasen ( they're Norwegian lol...) and I thought this one was such a nice portrait I had to combine two ideas I had to make this piece...
I wanted to do something for Gem and had a wierd, black and white vector (almost like a woodcut in my head) with a big pink flower in the hair, no idea why, just popped into my head. When I saw this image, the light and depth captured in it made me want to do a stencil of it! Thus, the flower and Eline were combined to produce this... I did one on a sheet of Plywood and 5 prints on some nice water colour paper... no idea what Imma do with them yet, possibly sell them quite cheaply to anyone who wants them... think my brawd will steal one of them -.-
Hope all parties involved with the original photograph, my lovely girlfriend who'll get the MDF version and you guys viewing this like it :)

M x
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