Just a quick rant at something that got brought to my attention not an hour ago (via email... don't ask me why I got an email about them...). But MCR's (My Chemical Romance...) Rhythm guitarist Frank Iero, apparently fancies himself abit of a snapper and on the MCR store "for a limited time only" there's two prints of pictures he's taken at the studio where they're recording their new album.

Now stop me if I'm wrong (hell, i've been wrong most of the day), but I've seen 13 year olds piss out better images than this on DA... its not even like he's trying... LOOOW SHUTTER SPEED HIGH LIGHT OOOOOOH and A PICTURE OF MY DIARY, ZOMG! do not a good picture make. They're even charging $30 for a print of these pieces of crap.
I'm all for outsider art, but stick to what you're good Mr. Iero... making music that inspires 13 year old girls to take photos like this.
M x
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