It's been a rather Graphic Design free couple of days if I'm honest. Uni's winding down for the summer so I had abit of a break. That being said, I've done quite alot and have a few things to say!
Saw the movie "Four Lions" at the Cinema yesterday, I must say it was epic. It's such a well made film. While it deals with a sensitive subject (terrorism) the strength of the writing and humor carry it into a wonderfully deep film experience. Despite the characters being portrayed as terrorists, you can't help but like them and really makes you question the Westernization of all Muslim's being "angry and anti-capitalist". Not to condone terrorism, but it does put a human face on it... the movie makes you laugh but more importantly makes you think.
Worth a watch if you can see it - 8/10
Thanks to Jammer, saw this wonderful website that I've been playing on most of the day! It's a flash based Synth. It's defiantly good for a laugh :D
New flyer I designed for Club Fandango's new night at The Silver Bullet, going to be creating another flyer for yet another Cool For Cats night (Ellie's a busy girl!) so that will grace here soon :D

Tomorrow's topic - Red Dead Redemption and the sudden spat of amazing music videos...
M x
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