Monday, 2 March 2009

Cups of Tea 99 - 100

OMFG! Tea-Triple Figures... If each cup of tea i've consumed in a regular 170ml mug has 14 calories with semi-skimmed milk (i'll crank that to 24 with the sugar), that means over the past 61 days, i've consumed 1,468 calories... that's almost a days callorie intake JUST from tea... ANYWAYS.

The day has seemed endlessly long with the exception of the 4 hours I spent with Gem, which flew in pure wall-cleaning action xD... after such events I have been DRAINED. I did an hour's work on my "Bring back Spam" Brief and then went to the gym for two hours... by the time I got back, it was 7, by the time i'd cooked it was 8, then I wanted to sleep. Cue and 2 hour argument about wether or not I should go out, to which obviously I didn't. I'm so tired my eyes are starting to sting...

Nevermind, tommorow is a tuesday, therefore I can look forward to a day of pure work... hopefully it'll help me get into the idea of a fixed timeline for working (other than WORK ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS) Gotta have at least 8 pages of the magazine done by Thursday imho...

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