It's kinda depressing how something that could be fun turns out to be such a pain in the arse >.< Style Sheets? Who the hell needs style sheets... I'd prefer to tweak everything by hand! Consistency? Nooooo. We'll just have a size 37.934 font right about theeeere. Okey so I jest, but God, redesigning a magazine must be such a pain in the arse! God, I wish I could just work on Music related posters... or theater posters, that'd be fun too!
Other than that, a pretty decent day all things considered. Working in the morning is so much better for me than working at night... I can actually get some work done and chill out... it's kinda nice having a Saturday again :) I also get a bit of a lie in on a Sunday now (not in until 10! w00t!), therefore the world rawks!
Other than those two points, not much to say. Started getting added by alot of random people from all over the world to do with design (or just general uni students) on myspace which is kinda odd... especially as I'm hardly on the thing! Some German girl taught me how to Swear in German which was pretty cool xD
Also I'm going to start a street art project tomorrow, the planning / preparation steps and get my blender hehe... should be fun :) I'll post some ideas up soon! For now however kids, here's some Cover-art from my magazine... its one of the boys with an accordion haha!

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