Friday, 20 March 2009

Cups of Tea 149 - 154

Shiiiitload of tea today <3!
Horray. Tea fuels design I guess, as I've been rather productive today :p it's all gravy!

I started the day very tired, then went in and did a little more on my spam brief (need to do the final sketches tomorrow so expect some work up by Tuesday night on it... although I really don't care for it much...)

Other than that, I've pretty much knocked out my Harvard referencing project as well! Its just a small project to see how we handle text but I thought I'd put a little shot of it up (I haven't done the cover / back of the booklet yet so I'll upload it all to my ILOVEDESIGN page when I'm finished with it).

Other than that, not alot to say! Saw Micheal Sheen talking about Port Talbot on Johnathan Ross and how wierd the town is. How many brilliant actors are from here. My job to break it and add a great designer to the list ;) Also Vin Disel plays WoW! Winnar haha!

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