Anyways, as promised... some of the stuff I've found over the past few days (hopefully there'll be more of my own stuff tomorrow) starting with a poster that now graces the wall of my room (that I probably shouldn't have... thus won't reveal the source of haha).

For those of you who are Port Talbot based, you've probably seen this already. Micheal Sheen is taking over the Easter 'passion' play in Port Talbot, with himself as Jesus. A good friend of mine (Matthew Aubrey, an exceptional actor and possibly the funniest person I've ever met) is also in the play so I can't wait to see it... Actually, play is probably the wrong word, it's kinda a live theater event more than a play. It's taking course over 3 days (Good Friday (22nd April) / Saturday (23rd April) / Easter Sunday (24th April) in various locations around Port Talbot... With apparently, Mr. Sheen getting crucified in the town center at the end!
But that's not the part that excites me. It's the poster! My God, no image of my home town has resonated with me more than this beautiful piece of Graphic Design. I delved a little deeper and it's done by Dave McKean! The same Dave McKean who's collaborated with Neil Gaiman many times on Sandman Covers, The art of Coraline and The Wolves in the Walls. Suffice to say, it's stunning. For those who don't want to go / can't due to location, apparently Dave McKean is also filming the experience and cutting it into a film! Aces :D
Other info can be foundhere and here. Imho, it's exciting...
Anyways, as that's not the Sheen that everyone's talking about, here's another song of the one who is on everybody's lips... even if it is for being crazy...
M x
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