But back to what I promised you lovely ladies and gentlemen, the third in the series of posters, drum role please... ITS THE LUTE! Yes, ye olde plucky instrument that bards and merry maidens everywhere love to play at a rousing historical reenactment or game of D&D...

It's the first of the three I designed because it's most important... With Sl0w release's bassist Jamie being the protagonist of the whole ARG... I'm still more keen on the hurdy gurdy to be honest, but that's probably just because I like the name. Anyways, in trying to keep with my good mind = rested mind philosophy, I'm off to bed :) Hopefully some awesome stuff to show you tomorrow depending on my productivity rate, but we shall see... if not, I've been trawling the web and found some beautiful designs... one a little closer to home than some of you might realize ;)
Until tomorrow you lovely gents!
M x
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