God Dammit! I meant to post this earlier, I didn't realize that I hadn't posted it... Started watching Easy A, so you now get a review of that as well haha, Aren't you lucky!
Anyways on with the blog!
Sorry I haven't posted all week! I've been trying to get my Dissertation down... so it's finished, bound and now just needs signing and handing in! WINNAH! So this means I can get on with design work, which is joy! I've spent most of the day writing an outline 'design' (and I use that term loosely) of an ARG / Transmedia marketing campaign haha! It's been fun... wrote 3500 words and I now need to do the DESIGN for the Design... oh dear xD
Other than that, over the weekend I did two poster designs for the exhibition, I'm not over the moon with it if I'm honest, but I believe it's a strong idea that if I get the chance could be aces... the wonders of having Dissertation Stress!

and here's the website design... which I don't really think comes across minus the outlines I had in place... I might have to put them back in. For Tom, if you read this - It's designed for 960 grid ;)

Anyways, I'd best go to bed... Having a nice cup of Tea but I do have Easy A here... hmm!
M x
And yes, I did watch the movie haha! I enjoyed it if I'm being honest. As those who know me very well, I'm a sucker for '80s movies, and I love John Hughes beyond words. He and Wes Anderson are without a shadow of a doubt my favourite directors / story tellers... Both make films for dreamers and I probably like them to do my dreaming for me a little to much sometimes...
But anywho, it's very reminiscent of an 80's flick. It's a tale of a girl, raised by liberal parents, who doesn't really fit in with those around her. Olive (Emma Stone) who tells one little lie about sleeping with a boy and is over heard by the school's over achieving, overly Christian bitchy girl Marianne (played by Amanda Byrne of 'Amanda Show' Fame). In true high school fashion, the rumor spreads and Olive becomes known as the school slut. While she first tries to rectify the situation, Olive ends up embracing this role and experiences the trials and tribulations of life.
While I don't want to give to much away, suffice to say it's a movie about growing up, realizing who you are and growing from experience. The supporting cast is also excellent, Penn Badgley who i've never seen in anything (a quick IMDB says you'll know him from Gossip Girl) gave a great performance as the typical jock who goes for the geek girl in the old, Jake Harvey to Olive's Samantha Baker.
And then we get to my main problem with the film. Some of the better moments of the film, nods to movies spiritual predecessors, the breakfast club, sixteen candles and say anything, are not only explained to the audience in an almost pandering way, BUT THEY SHOW US CLIPS FROM THE MOVIES HALF WAY THROUGH! UGGGGH! They could have done it a little more subtitle, weaving them into the narrative with polite nods (like Paul did) as apposed to stopping the movie, erecting a whiteboard and walking the audience step by step through why Badgley is standing outside her window with a boom box.
I'm a fan of Stone because she manages to pull quirky / sarcastic off very well and if you're going to have an 80's lead, they've got to have attitude. The cast are likable and the plot is both funny and charming throughout. It's a great movie to watch if you're longing a new take on the teen drama. I recommend it!