Started off the day by coming back to sunny Port Talbot, drank some tea and started on my badges for Colony (you'll see these soon...) before getting asked to knock out some freelance work, which obviously being a hungry student, I got onto. I'm abit meh with the finished result as I didn't have all the info for the flyer (there's another band to add and afew other pieces of info, but they wanted a "teaser flyer" so people see it during the camden crawl this weekend). So take it as a quick knock up atm... wouldn't post it usually but I quite like the illustration at the bottom :)

Other than this, Colony pictures have started to come back! The contriubtors shall remain nameless on here for fear of getting them in trouble, but thanks to Fish, Major and Suede, Scotland and Norway are coated in stickers from these guys... unfortunatly I don't know what i've done with Fishes photos so I can only show you those from Dramman and Berswick... enjoy!

Dramman, Norway.

Berswick Coast, Scotland.
Tomorrow I'll upload the 40+ badges I've done... but I wanted to give those people who've sent in pictures some props and my thank yous :)
M x
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