So I scrapped the eye poster. I wasn't 100% feeling it to begin with. It felt a little bit tacky and looks nothing like my original sketch or (maybe more importantly) how I pictured it in my head... which is a shame, but I liked the message. So keeping with the theme of my other work for the project (which you actually haven't seen!) I stripped it back down and tried to summaries the impact of how many bees are dying in Britain alone (last year over 6 million bees...)

I think it works nicely, though at the advice of Rhysboi, I'm going to try and rework the original eye concept to how it looks in my head, so watch this space.
I also reworked my older slogan poster. As much as I love Hexagons, their shape makes them impossible to weave together varying sizes... so as a result, here's a new (to your eyes at least) poster that's really a reworking of something one or two of you might have seen already! One totally stripped down and one with a little depth. Think I prefere the stripped down version, but i'll see how they look printed!

And I know quite afew people are reading this now (via conversations...) so please comment! The whole point of this thing is for feedback after all!
M x
I think some factual info would go down well on the posters, Mat. Need something more to achor/contextualise the imagery maybe?
ReplyDeleteHmm maybe... I just really cba with this project anymore :/ Posters are only really a sideline for the website I'm doing anyways...