I've done very little this past week. I had a great valentines day (Thanks Hunni) but apart from that I havn't done anything worth mentioning. I did attend a talk by Ken Garland however (see earlier blogs for First Things First Manifesto) on metaphore which was amazing! Afew people I spoke to didn't really get what the point of it was but the art he showed was simply epic.
It was mostly polish artist's who I'd never heard of under Polish communism and how they had to use metaphore to communicate how much they hated the socialist regime forced on them. People like Stasys Eidrigevicius and Andrzej Pagowski who's work almost makes me shake with how good it is. Bastards haha.
Hmmm now what else to talk about... I feel after such a long time that I should give you something that's at least afew paragraphs long to read. Incidently, please try and pass this blog on to people who might be interested... I've got no idea who reads this other than three people so it'd be nice to have afew people reading it as incouragement to post! Also, if I don't post X360-uns, Myspaces, Facebookers etc. Spam me with messages giving me hassle if I miss a day. I really need to stick to doing this!
Along side it, I finally started creating my new visual diary with all the cut out paper, flyers etc. that've been floating around in my bag for the past 6 months... really need to keep adding to that, but now it's there it'll gradually fill up over time I'm sure.
Also for James (Jammer) here's the Alphabot front cover for the Children's book project as you wanted to see some design and also the newest Cool for Cats flyer i've produced.

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