Got up at 11, went to Gregs, realized lent started today and couldn't eat pastry so bought a box of wheatabix and milk. Got home did some design. Stressed out over home much I have to do atm and went to subway. Bought Dragon Quest on the way home (COD5 traded in got me £25 and with the student card I got it for £1.99... WIN) Worked until half 9 then went to the cinema to see Push. It was ok, reminded me of jumper. Came home finished working, wrote blog, went to bed. Ahhh Now i'm getting ahead of myself!
Pretty fun day but also harsh amounts of work... I really need to use the College Diary I bought to plan out a timetable of when I do work / See Gemma / Play Games... -sigh- It could be worse, I could be Tom and have to give up Cola for lent... God, I'd miss the Caffine! I leave you with the six finished Stamps. I don't really like them, but i'm sure someone will!

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