Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2151 - 2156

So yeah... no design today - is what I bet you thought I'd say! It would be a fair assessment but I caught you out sucka! I came at you with with a left foot and like Shane Williams in his heyday, ran right and scored a try! Good times! 5 Points! Grand Slam! The rugby savvy amongst you will notice I didn't say 7, because we know back in Shane's prime, Steve Jones was too hot and cold to be a definite 7. But this isn't Rugby by Design (that would be boring), so before I hear 'get on with it' chanted at me holy grail style, I'll move swiftly on!

I have completed the Master Pages and all that jazz for Rundown today! Yes! Go Me! It took a solid day of faffing, trying some different body copy instead of 'Lightyear' (which is the logo font - those with a fastidious eye for detail will notice the 'playlist' body copy is set in Brandon Grotesque, this isn't an accident), but in the end decided with it for this installment because it's a nice title font and infographics are, at their heart, bold and flashy / meant to grab attention like titles anyways. So it's all good!

But no! I can now tell you what it is... While I was going to release the first page, the 'what is Rundown?' page. I wanted to write it up all nice and stuff, use some strong adjectives, high caliber nouns and some rhyming couplets, but I thought 'well, that would just be a chunk of body text... These people want a little design!' So I guess this is kinda spoiler territory if you do want to wait for that! So if so, just skip to the pretty graphic and read from there. That point on should be spoiler free, even if the graphic kinda gives it all away. Well then, I'll go ahead and answer the big question. What is Rundown?

In short, it's a running log. To be a little more precise, it's my own personal running log, designed nicely in a limited pallet and accompanied by an illustration for every entry. It'll also have some other stuff in it that will be running related such short reviews, logs of my running routes and possibly a few other little gimmicky things like playlists and what not, but at it's heart it's simply a running log so I can keep track of my running, as I get back into my favourite pastime that doesn't involve some kind of screen.

Short of some nicely laid out typography, I guess at this point there's nothing in it for you lovely people. Well, I guess you're right. That's where the illustration comes in. Not only will every run be accompanied by a different illustration (as you can tell by the example, this month's is very 'me') that I'm giving my self a blank creative canvas on, but EVERY month, the whole thing will change it's visual style. In short, I am giving myself a month to experiment with a different style and then at the end of that month, publish it in this form.

Hopefully it won't go too badly and it'll be enjoyable to read / look at, but I guess more importantly for me, it'll give me a chance to experiment with stuff / flex some design muscle and get out of the comfort zone! But as for the printing aspect of it, when I release Rundown #1, I will be printing 25 copies of it, which I believe will be FREE (yes, even P&P...) if anyone wants them. So y'know, anyone who wants one, shotgun a copy I guess!

Anyways, onto the design!

It's a six column grid, a little bigger than A4 with the copy all set out in 'Lightyear' to help with the infographic feel. While this one was done in Illustrator (I hear gasps) it's because not a lot is really going to be standardize to style sheets... Because I want it to look organic / have a very illustrated graphical feel to it, for the most part I guess I'll be exporting the finished layouts into Indesign later. The obvious exceptions to this will of course be the aforementioned 'What is Rundown' page / anything with a lot of body copy that will be included monthly, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

So yeah, comments are more than welcome. If you want a copy, let me know and no, I'm not sure if the 'running water man' illustration pictured here will be in the final thing! (Inside source tells me that Mat Boyle didn't even run on the 10th of September ;) )

Hope you guys like it... Now to finish transcribing all the raw data onto paper, then to bed :) Night night!

M x

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