I woke up at 5am Saturday to goto work at a certain Supermarket Chain. I got in, tired and altogether discontent. I've work at said Supermarket for 6 years. There are a lot worse jobs, I like the people I work with (not so much the management, but what can you do...) and the pay is alright for the hours I work. However, it's just not for me. The only thing it really is decent for is that my mind tends to wander and I can brainstorm. Cue Saturday morning, I begin to think about what I wanted to do with tumblr that I mentioned in the past, that me and my girlfriend, the lovely / talent Gemma Anderson, were going to share... Despite me developing it in a million different directions in my head in a relatively short space of time (over like a cage of stock...) I realized that I had done a lot of thinking / talking lately, but I hadn't done much on it.
It was then, I thought fuck it. I got home, wrote a load of shit down and then got on with my weekend. Skip to this morning, the alarm goes off at 9. I get up, completely change my room around to finally have a workplace in this household, then I go for a walk. I come back after this small 15 minute strut around the block, which acted as a metaphorical commute to work, then sat down and work poured out of me. I started at 12 and I stopped around 9pm, only taking an hour break for lunch. W00T! I then worked out, and am appalled at how unfit I've become... -le sigh-
I am planning on doing this everyday (while there will actually be a commute tomorrow, I've gotta get up early / goto Newport for a passport interview...) for at least the next month (this is of course if I don't hear back from the jobs I've currently applied for), the wall is set up as it was back in the old GLC (see below) and I'm going for gold. Watch this space peoples!

While I needed that huff and puff, I am aware I promised the reveal of mine and the aforementioned Ms. Anderson's clothing line logo and name, however I'm going to do this tomorrow now instead. Yes, I am a proverbial tease, but I want it to have it's own blog post, not off the back of me being a whiny bugger! So for now at least, night night! I'm going to do some comedy writing before bed :)
M x
love this photo, look how organised you are! :D