While I had planned and strategically drunk my cups cups of Tea throughout the week to reveal this at 1337, by the time that magical cup of tea rolled around, it was 4:15 in the morning when I'd finally got this to work... but alas, I am here now! Batteries rested, and another project underway! Hazaaa!
What am I babbling about you may ask? Why, the launch of Teasigner.com of course! Go look! it's got some of the work i've been upto over the past year, with more updates to come of past work and of course future projects! It's all exciting. Now, when someone asks 'do you know a graphic designer?' You can say 'Of Course I do, but boy does that fella love Tea!'
Short of this, I started a new project today, what initially started as a project that was a homage to my favourite movies / directors, it soon became something more...
I started, as regular readers would guess, on posters for my favourite film maker, Wes Anderson. I've slowly been starting at the beginning of his movies and working my way through, screen shoting and taking notes as I go (I'm currently watching 'Hotel Chevalier'). But what started as a rather nerdy poster project, is now and extremely nerd-core project...
You see, while watching Bottle Rocket (A film that I've warmed to after repeated watches over the past few months) I began to look REALLY hard for an angle that hadn't been used in a poster yet. There are plenty out there with the Yellow Jumpsuits and the 'You look like a Banana' line... Similarly, There are many typographic pieces that I feel have covered the best quotes... So I had to look EXTRA hard. While I realized quite early on, that nobody had made a big deal of the massive Colt .45 that Owen Wilson wields for most of the movie. So I started here, combining it with the tip of a rocket from the firework stand, the Futura typeface from the title sequence and the exact same shade of red used on this title card. Nerdy yes, but apparently not nerdy enough...

Despite the poster being done, I continued to watch the film, then I noticed something that I'd never noticed before - Mr. Henry, the man Dignan (Owen Wilson) spends the film trying to impress, has a branded truck of his company 'Lawn Wranglers'!
It's only in shot for about 3 seconds, but I saw it. Then I screen Grabbed it. Then I did the most nerdy of nerdy posters... because I thought it would be fun...

And now this, has become the project. The Branding of fictional companies within the films I love. Rushmore has Blume International (which I shall post tomorrow), Royal Tenenbaums has The Tenenbaums Flag, Various hospital logos and a few other 'blink and you'll miss them' brands, Zissou of course has the Team Zissou logo and I'm hunting the others in Darjeeling and Hotel Chevalier as we speak!
Fun Fun
M x
Reminded me of the guy in Empire who redesigns them the way they should be.
That sex in the city one is amazing!