Thursday, 24 November 2011

Cups of Tea 2221 - 2347

Omgeeeh! He's alive! Sorry folks, it has been a SERIOUSLY hectic 3 weeks since I last blogged. For the most part, I've essentially been living in London all week for various interviews, coming home to work weekends, and then disappearing back upto London on Monday morning. Something that, to be honest, has left me tired and skint! Depressingly broke some might say, but hey, gotta spend money to make money I guess!

As such, there's been mini briefs, pitches etc. to do in preperation for these interviews, but in all honesty, I don't really know if I'm allowed to show them in a blog format, which is a bit wierd! But saying that, I certainly wouldn't be showing that work on here if I was a part of that company, so I'll play to the side of caution and not re-up it here... If you really want to see it, let me know and I'll show you the whole pitch haha!

But seriously, I'm pretty drained! Today, as it's been my only 'real' day off in the past 3 weeks (and by day off, I mean chance to vegetate), I've just been playing the new Assasin's Creed. (A.) Because I deserve a little bit of a break and (B.) Because I know the trade in value will spiral faster than water down a plughole if I don't get rid of it this side of Christmas... Under normal circumstances, I don't like trading in my 360 games, but I really want Rayman and all my spare cash this month if for presents... So it has to be done i'm afraid!

On that note, I'm going to disappear... Want to have an early night so I can get up and work on another sudo-blogging idea that should be quite fun! And unlike this one in the past few weeks, that'll be regularly updated because it won't just be by me! Winning.

M x

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Cups of Tea 2218 - 2220

Not a lot to say, ladies and gentleman, as I am blinkin' well tired! Not been able to get on with a podcast related piece of arty work because I've not got a source image for one of the people on it... So I'm going to have to go away leaving something unfinished, which is well annoying!

Anywho, I've got to be up early to get my train to London.

M x

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Cups of Tea 2214 - 2217

Ok. For those of you who know me, really, and I mean really well, I've just spent the last three hours playing with, and loving Flash. No. This is not a joke, although 'loving' is probably to strong a word to use... more toleration that leads to a general sense of self satisfaction, but it's slowly building it's way up in my estimations from Total Shit-bag to Disgruntled and Unreliable Acquaintance.

But Mat, what about the stuff you said you were going to do yesterday? Like that sodding infographic running piece you've been working on? Well blog reader, I'm glad you asked. I realized that, as I believe I also blogged last night (and if I didn't, I apologize), I'm in London for the better half of next week, which means I won't have my Laptop at my disposal... Which means unless I take my files on a flash drive and pray to Jesus my Brother's copy of CS2 Illustrator can open them, there's not a lot getting done this week... Alternatively, I'm setting myself another challenge for the up coming week, which you will see soon!

But yes, back to the Total Shit-bag Disgruntled/Unreliable Acquaintance that is Flash! I've been doing some motion graphics! Shock Horror! Something completely outside of my comfort zone? And in a program I've not left a name on? Surely not? Well Internet, you'll be surprised at what a pleasant experience it's been! REALLY! Apart from a few forgetful mistakes on my part (putting more than one item on a layer I wanted to motion tween) and some utter 'WTFs' on Flash's part (a large letter I appearing from no where mid-playback), it's been alright... 200 frames, 8 seconds out of 221 down. By my calculations, that's only 5525 more frames to go! By that time, I imagine I'll either love or loathe Flash again, only time will tell, but I'm guessing it's going to go back to being a Total Shit-bag. You may have guessed, but that's my new thing. Yeah....

On a design you can view note, have a look at some of the work by Australian Like Minded Studio, there is some stunning examples of Type there (for you Rhys...), the bellow being my favourite!

M x

Friday, 4 November 2011

Cups of Tea 2202 - 2213

Two days without blog updates! I am disgusted at myself Ladies and Gentleman! Nevermind, nobody's to blame... Except maybe me? You forgive me? Awww, you shouldn't have. Really, I need to be held accountable...

Just a quick blog update today as my day has been taken up by some rather pressing matters of future employment (and maybe a little bit of Halo...), just to post up a flyer I did for another standing up comedy in Caerdydd, maybe if you're about that area, you can go along to it! Who Knows!

Apart from this and said job interviewing etc. it's been a pretty slow day! In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's been a pretty slow week on the design front... Halloween Party Monday, Driving Lesson + Freelance Tuesday, Work Wednesday, Freelance and some Gaming Thursday and employment related stuff today... Next week however, I intend to start redesigning the website (finally!). Also Running will restarted as well as the hopeful completion of a long over due running magazine style thing...

M x

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Cups of Tea 2198 - 2201

Hey, Sweden! Oh Dear God, I just started off this blog with the most obscure of obscure references, but as I'm trying to stick to the whole stream of consciousness blogging malarkey, it has to stay... For those interested, it was a quote from John Carpenter's 1982 classic, THE THING! Obscure pop cultured reference box is ticked, now all I need is to set in Helvetica with some Triangles on a star covered background, then I'll earn my Hipster Blogger Boy Scout Badge!

Could Hipsters be Boy Scouts? Or would that just be to conformist? Though I bet the irony factor of them wearing the uniform would suffice to make this bit workable... Jeez, I don't half type crap sometimes...

So moving on, just because I felt like I haven't been reblogging enough and spreading some design joy... I just thought I'd repost a load of cool stuff I've seen over on Swissmiss over the past few weeks that have brightened up my day... All of them could potentially be probable cause to question my mental age and sexual preference, but just remember, it's not polite to ask those kind of questions!

First up, we have one of the greatest things I've ever seen... For those who know me well (and as the rest of you can probably guess from reading this blog / looking at my work), I'm really not a fan of Jabba text. I despise using Jabber text! I'd much rather right my own body copy or source an article that has something to do with my work, than to us 'Lorem Ipsum'... Luckily for you lovely people (more so for the Girlies I guess), there is now a less boring solution if you haven't the time to type your own copy, but are afraid that latin's just not your thing... I present you with 'Cupcake Ipsum'.

Essentially, it just creates a load of Dummy copy, but with cake types / flavors (and even some love...), now ain't that lovely!? Give it a try imho, it's quite funny!

Then onto two quick 'I want's (as I'm aware this is becoming an essay). The first, are these awesome Post It Note Watches! Which would save me scribbling stuff on my hands all the time in work...

The second (and this is where my real nerd comes out), Pantone Christmas Decorations! Bahahah! If I get my own place by Christmas, they will be mine! And The whole of Christmas will be CMYK themed... Who Needs Red, White and Green, when you can spice things up with some Cyan and Magenta?

And on that note, it's bedtime... There's a full day of work ahead of me tomorrow! So Merry Designmess to all, and to all a good deadline free night.

M x

Monday, 31 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2187 - 2197

Hello True Believers! Or Not? I don't know? Well, hello anyways... It's been a bit of a long few days! I haven't blogged in almost a week because of zee night of Stand Up, resulting Hang Over and weekend of work. As such, I apologize!

This is just a quick blog post because I've got a driving lesson bright and early tomorrow (Yes! I'm learning to drive again! All Hail Zod!), but here's another Stand Up flyer in the theme of the Dan Antopolski one, this time for Wil Hodgson...


M x

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2181 - 2186

A lot of Tea as it's been a bit of a busy day respective readers! A lot of brews, slightly strained eyes and a practical exercise for a job is completed... I think? And it's been nice! I've been using Photoshop PROPERLY for the first time in a good while. Cropping, using layer styles, blends, layer masks! The whole shebang! And I forgot how much I love the program.... I've been using illustrator for the last what, 8 years now? 6 of those I've used it pretty hardcore!

But alas, after an interview a week or two ago I was told to check out layer styles, and I honestly forgot how much could be achieved with them... It's been a nice change of pace! While I still love my vectoring (you know me, I keep it clean), in this period of me being unemployed I think I'm going to use the time to become as uber in PS as I used to be! While I can still remember how to do everything, I'm not as fast with the old lasso and my collection of brushes leaves a lot to be desired! This will be rectified! Then it's back to learning HTML 5...

Other than this news, I stumbled across a complete ARCHIVE of published material from Volkswagen since the 30s! We're talking Nazi Germany Volkswagen promotional things, it's incredible to look at! It's great to see how the brand has always been so visually stylized, most of it wouldn't look out of place to look at today, while others look a little dated but look like they were ground breaking at the time!

Unfortunately, there's none of the posters on there, but I'm still going to link to this article on the 'lemon' ad (as made famous by madmen), because I think the copy is awesome! And now, to bed! Nighty night all!

M x

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2177 - 2180

Hey up all, just a quick update again as I'm about to dash off to bed... Original plan was to 100% complete the illustrations for Rundown today, however I did one of the remaining 3 (now 2...) this morning, then practiced stand up. When I got back to the computer, the priority changed to something very exciting in the inbox that I'll hopefully be able to share with you all soon :) So unfortunately, this probably means Rundown won't be released until All Hallow's Eve, which I'm sure I'll also knock something up for! We shall see tomorrow ;)

Until then, enjoy the most cracking music video I've seen in a long time! I like the song, but I am seriously in love with the animation style...

M x

Monday, 24 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2168 - 2176

Why hello there ladies and gentleman... Sorry about the late blog post, I'm currently getting back up to date with House after a day of writing (possibly the most unusual, unusable bits I've ever written, but there you go...). I have, however got some Graphic Design to show that I did on Saturday but didn't want to blog, as I'm almost ready to release Rundown, I've been in a weird state of mind the last week or two and I apologize... Hopefully this glimpse will make up for some of it, at least!

And now to bed, toodles.

M x

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2156 - 2167

I apologize for the lack of updates ladies and gents, but I really haven't been that busy on the design front this week due to a few social commitments (a funeral, some stand up, client meeting), so really haven't felt the need to update this old blog of mine for fear of boring you all! Rest assured, there will be some work up from tomorrow I think...! Fingers crosses aye?

M x

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2149 - 2155

Greetings from Sunny Port Talbot. Nuclear winter seems to be finally upon us so it is time to hibernate! I really don't know where I'm going with this train of thought, so I'll just stop typing and do a seamless transition into something else...

So Assassin's Creed 2 is now done and dusted. I have to say, it's probably one of my favourite games now... Even if some of the end missions were extremely tedious (I'm looking at you Sequences 12 and 13... But I suppose they are technically DLC). I popped Brotherhood in after I finished some tutorials and job applications and I'm not sure if I like it as much :/ It could also be that I'm probably Assassin's Creed'd out, so maybe I'll just lay off the Xbox for awhile, it was originally the plan after doing AC2 anyways. Either that or I'll finally finish off Dead Space 2... HMMM

On the design front, not much to show again I'm afraid! I've been experimenting with Photoshop as I realized I need to put a little more stuff in the folio to balance out the Illustrator / Layout work, so I may even do October's short Rundown in it (I tried to run yesterday and the ankle's still not 100% after last week)!

On a plus side for those interested in design, I've unearthed another treasure! A vintage Spec Sheet for the Volkswagen logo! The original can be found over at imjustcreative, which also has a download link to make it your iphone background... which it now is on mine! Aces!

M x

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2147 - 2148

Urgh... another long day at work! -sigh- Nothing done today to show (only a tutorial or two, but that's not exciting :O) but hopefully there will be tomorrow... God damned Super Market... I'm up at 5 and in for 6, so I'm going to skedaddle off to bed! Sweet dreams mofos!

M x

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2143 - 2146

Just the quickest of quick updates because I'm absolutely cream crackered... A long day in the life of a Welshman... Up early, proper breakfast with some rugby, then in work until 9... Very tiiired so going to goto bed now, as I'm up for 8... 


 However, before I do go - I would like one of these! Those who know me, know I have a love of funky USB sticks as well as Tea... (I own an original Blue Neko Incubot...), but this Hydrogen bomb from the amazing folks at H-57 is just kicks ass!

M x

Friday, 14 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2138 - 2142

View discretion is advised, this blog may contain Graphic Design, anecdotal humor and possibly a journey through time and space.

I can't be sure on the last part, as I'm neither The Doctor or The Boosh. So now that's straightened out, hello and good day to you all! It's been a day of travel here in the world of Teasign, first to Swansea at the crack of dawn to finally get my hands on an iPhone! Hazaa! I have joined the modern age of smartphone users! Now I can Geocach, Four Square and augment my reality along with the best of them! I then took a trip upto Cardiff for a quick bit of sight seeing, some general chitchat and a spot of tea at a Tesco's. All in all, not a bad day out!

Apologies for yesterday's lack of a post, I was quiiite busy for most of the day, so short of spoiling some of Rundown (it's almost there, I promise!), I shall show nawt of my own work... I'm currently just playing around a little in Photoshop which is fun, short of the flyer below, I haven't really used it in awhile in favor of the trusty pen tool in Illustrator, but I'm toying with a few nifty little tips I picked up via some tutorials! No doubt I'll show you some of it soon!

But until that time, I'll just leave you with a little bit of this, as it's a bit of a fitting end of a blog that started with an iPhone / to do a little bit of a Steve Job's Homage, it's Paul Rand's Brand Presentation Booklet for the Next logo! (No, not the clothing company...)

While not my favourite of Rand's logos (and if I were pressed to pick one, it'd probably be abc's, purely for it's bold, minimalist and dare I even say, timeless look and feel), the bloke was undoubtedly a very clever chap, so it's a pretty damned interesting read! Full scans of it can be found here, and better pictures can be found along with Rand's logos if you scroll down.

On that note, I'm off to do some writing before bed. I've got to make the most of my free time while it's still free after all! Toodle Pip all!

M x

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2133 - 2137

Hello all! Just a quick update because I'm rather engrossed in the rather brilliant Assassin's Creed 2! Yes, 2009 called and they wanted their game back, so I thought I'd best complete it ;) Already got Brotherhood on it's way and there's just over a month until Revelations is released... and since the launch trailer for it is what made me replay 1 / buy 2 in the first place, I thought it was time to get cracking! So here it is, the flyer I did for Let Them Eat Cake / Brown Bear's Dan Antopolski!

It'll be a cracking gig! I'll certainly be going to it, so you should come along! A little taste of Dan for you

And with that, I'm off to complete this and then goto bed. Laters Alligators.
M x

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2124 - 2132

Hey You! Out there in the cold, Getting lonely, Getting old. Can you feel me? Please? No? Fine.

How the devil are you everyone? I'm sorry it's been two days without updates, but alas there are good reasons. Sunday as you all jolly well know if you're a regular reader, I did a stand up gig in Swansea for The Swansea Uni Comedy Club (go like their Facebook page, it'll make them happy) which I feel went pretty damned well. No idea of the exact numbers, but it's probably the largest crowd I've performed to so far and it went very well! Got asked back and the talk of more dates in the future, so that's always nice! I tried to blog about it after it happened from the old GLC (cheers Jim for the floor space!) but I'd changed my password and couldn't remember it (oops).

I got some pretty shitty news after I got out of the venue however. One of my neighbor's passed away. So when I got home, I wrote out some sympathy cards and then went over to see the family, which is why I didn't post yesterday. Nothing really got done and I didn't really have a lot to say if I'm honest.

But today's been a little more productive, which is nice. I did some freelance gig for a flyer I believe I'm on the billing for (which would be cool!) and one of the last Rundown illustrations, only 2 more to go and then the cover! However I'm at a loss for October's issue... While out running (only the second time this month... GRR!) I twisted my bloody ankle, so now I'm left at the mercy of seeing how it is on Friday before I contemplate running again... which may force me to make an October / November issue instead... Though to be fair, with what I've got planned for the next issue, getting to do it for 2 months would be amazing! Really looking forward to it :D Ordered the wood to sort it all today ;)

I could show you the Rundown illustration, but as I'm so close to finishing it, I really just want to try and push on with it tomorrow and see what happens! Stranger things have happened, I may even get to put it out into the world finally! So instead (as I can't release the aforementioned freelance yet...), I'm just going to leave you with some the fantastic Mr. Button, design and produced by John Caswell Design. These will be all over my person come winter!

M x

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2114 - 2123

ARGH! I am so blinking annoyed with myself over the lack of blog post last night. I splashed out and bought the blogger App for my iPod touch and everything, just so no matter where I ended up last night, I could post a blog... But it wasn't to be! And I ended up at home!

I did a great gig in Cardigan, West Wales last night in a small venue called The Cellar Bar. On the bill was me, Geraint Evens, Chris Chopping and MCing was Ben Jenkins. It was a really nice room (who paid me in Cups of Tea 2117 and 2118...) that was quite cozy. It was also quite cool to gig out of Swansea, as short of the Adam and Steve (A&E) / Eli Jenkins, I've not had the chance. All of the acts went over great, even with a local squash club in for dinner who wanted to chat over them! I've seen all of the acts on the bill before, know some of the material, but I still laughed my ass off, which is a reassuring sign not only in the strength of the material, but how good the comics were that I was lucky enough to gig with. Honestly, if you've not yet seen them in the A&E, check them out, they are all class acts.

It's hard to put into words how I felt about the gig and I don't really want to attempt to deconstruct comedy because (a.) I'm surely not experienced enough and (b.) it would get hella boring, but I'm going to go with the train of thought. I'm not sure if it was because I was in a completely different place or if there was nobody in the crowd I knew, but I guess it didn't feel like just me pissing about on a stage. It felt like that feeling you get when you first do a piece of freelance work. You know it's not going to just be seen by a few close friends and go no further, it's actually out there in the world, beyond your control. This is not to say I'm implying that in any shape or form I'm even a comedian yet (hell I'm a part time open mike-r at best), and I'm sorry if it comes off as pretentious douchery on my part, but I think get it now more than I did before.

Don't get me wrong, I loved performing any time I've been lucky enough to get up and do it, but even though I don't feel I did particularly well last night (misjudged the age of the audience a little, should have had more material and a lot more besides), I could see why people are 'bitten by the comedy bug'. I'll go no further, because I am sounding like a knob, but I just enjoyed myself the way I enjoy myself when I design, it was a great.

And now back to my first love.

I found something AMAZING over at Aisleone! The Graphics Manual for the 1976 Montréal Olympics! Oh my God! Not only was it cool as a resource at checking out old school branding practices, but it's so beautifully laid out. Simple design makes me happy...

I'm also doing another gig tomorrow in Swansea :) So as of work it will be another day of some of the cool stuff I've found but not posted! See you then, or Monday... There's be something nice Monday...

M x

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2210 - 2213

Hello. Is it me you're waiting for? I should hope so, this is my blog... Just a quick post tonight as I'm currently in a small stress over my arrangements for standing up comedy tomorrow (I wish I could drive... I seriously need to sort that to carry on doing this / better job prospects...). But I had to share this, as much as I love Matt Berry, the song by Three Trapped Tigers makes this video

Three Trapped Tigers - Reset from CHRIS BOYLE on Vimeo.

And no, I'm not related to Chris Boyle.

M x

Oh! PS! The URL in the video also works -

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2205 - 2209

Hello boys and girls, children of allll ages, step right and see what I've been a vectoring today... Why it's a water bottle! One based on my very own, fancy pants Gaterade bottle I got free at work with a 4 pack of Gaterade. Isn't it neat? Well, I'm bored of talking like an American. This is all she wrote for today guys, been practicing my standing up comedy ready for Friday... The cold is shaken however, so I'm going to crack the final illustrations out for this tomorrow so I can get it online asap :) Hopefully might even get a small run in... As i've yet to clock one for October... And I do like the idea for this Months issue, just need to finish this one first!

M x

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2202 - 2204

Just a quick update to note that I'm tirelessly working on Rundown to get it done by the 7th... Yesterday's the wonders of yesterday's illness have knocked me off my pace, then today I couldn't get one of the illustrations to work... I decided to scrap it and have come up with a better one, but alas, it's put me slightly behind! Only 3 more to do and a cover... Then it'll be out ;)

M x

Monday, 3 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2200 - 2201

Two cups of tea today? That's unlike you Mat. Well, I've spent half my day in bed knocked out with a cold. I'm feeling a lot better now however, so don't feel to bad! Just a quick update before bed with some of the coolest mixed media stuff I've seen in a while by Clark Goolsby... Suffice to say, I may be trying to recreate something similar in an upcoming edition of Rundown!

M x

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2194 - 2199

Urgghhh. I really don't feel well at the moment. I woke up this fair morn, at 6 o'clock Ante Meridian, to find myself with quite the mystery on my hands Scooby. I had a seriously sniffley nose, accompanied by a pretty sore throat. 'How could I contract what clearly seem to be, the early symptoms of influenza? Well it is October. 'Freshers Flu' must be going around, as my Daily Mail clearly indicates that young students love nothing more to share beds, drinks and other bodily fluids. But I've not really been out any where to catch it... Well could I have caught a chill? As I've said, it is October after all. Autumn is upon us so maybe I should be wrapping up warm in a Doctor Who themed scarf and some Thermal socks? Oh wait, It's currently 27°C. So what could the source be?'

The answer, ladies and gentleman? My own Nephew. The same Nephew I miss terribly that he's officialy moved to London, decided to give me one last passing gift before going away, not a drawing for my fridge or one of his toys, but a ruddy cold. The kid did me in better than Macbeth did Duncan.  I have been seriously under the weather all day and I work in a freezer at -21°C... Suffice to say, he's getting a lump of coal that i've sneezed on from Santa this Christmas.

So yes, I've been a total bloke since I got in from work. Monged out under the quilt and drank a load of Chai tea to try and bring me around, but alas it hasn't worked. I only moan, you understand, because I'm hardly ever ill (which means I get a pass...) and it's come at a time when I'm also still recoving from the uber 10k run on Friday. To be honest, it's probably the reason I caught the flu in the firstplace. Coughs and sneezes with the aches and pains of my muscles being torn to bits and repaired with protein, does not a strong immune system make.

So which brings me to the next point, though it should be obvious from the above. Not a lot done today, but as I've cheated like hell on this blog for the better part of the week, I thought I'd flash you the 12th of September image. Now please, look at this while I go curl up and cry myself to sleep. Also, what do you think of the sneaky paper texture? It's more an experiment for next month's Rundown, but I think it works quite nicely on this one... or is it better clean do you think? My money's probably on clean because of the rest of it, but hey...

M x

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Cups of Tea 2189 - 2193

Why hello there chillblaines! And that introduction has lead me off on an amazing tangent down memory lane! Does anyone remember the ITV Friday (or more likely Saturday night program...) The Brian Conley Show? If there is anything to blame for my love of comedy, it would be this man. Brilliant sketches, filled with British Humor to the brim (What do you call a bear with no parents? Rupert the Bastard) and just silly over the top slapstick comedy, MAN I bloody loved this program... The favourite section of it for me was always Larry the Loafer (though its such a hard push, Dangerous Brian and Septic Peg also made me laugh no end). Have a watch, it's absolutely amazing. Trust me. At least I can admit to liking Brian without fear because it's still brilliant today... I will be less likely to admit my infatuation at the age of 8 with Joe Pasquale... (Mangos in a pub....) but that's another story for another time.

Anyways, today has been as expected, a day of vectoring illustrations and putting data together, and as I'm going to release the whole booklet in a few days, I don't want to really spoil it! So i'll just leave you with this one image of the final illustration and be on my way.

Yes, it's somewhat similar to my Bottle Rocket poster, but as I'm considering retiring a page of my Wes Anderson posters from my Folio, it's all gravy ;)

M x

Friday, 30 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2187 - 2188

Goddddd Dammit! I'm sorry ladies and gents, today has got away from me and I've been 100% percent unproductive. I got back from London, realized I've eaten crap for the last two days and then went on a run to end all runs... Trying to run 10k in 50 mins, 5 minutes of my 2008 best at Margam Park's Reindeer run. However, lets just bear in mind, this was when I was running a training distance of 16 miles twice a week... Cutting a short story even shorter, I managed 52 mins... Which did shave off over 5 minutes from last week (which is nice) but looord, the last 1km destroyed my calf muscles. So I've been ko'd this afternoon. However, this means that I'm taking a rest day tomorrow, which means I can pull a weekender to try and get Rundown finished earlier :)

Sorry peoplez! But on a brighter note, I've started the plans for the 'set' of next month's issue ;) Trust me, if you thought this week's looked good, next months will hopefully blow your mind a little :)

M x

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2180 - 2186

Yes, I know! I'm bloody annoyed at myself too! I can't believe I broke my streak of posting... I mean, I kinda cheated on Tuesday night, but I would have done the same last night if I hadn't been so flipping tired when I got in! I went out to see the 'Killing Moon' gig I did the flyer for a week or two back, and as a result, didn't get in until about 1... Which was a shame, because I wanted to give a more accurate run down of Drive! But I'm pretty damned tired after a day of traveling...

So just another quick blog tonight because I need to keep to doing this! A day or two up in London's made me slip out of routine and I want to get back to that! Rest assured, ALL of the illustration for Rundown is now planned out to be vectored tomorrow, so I'm hoping to have the first 'issue' out around the 5th :) Then those who want it, I'll figure out some way of printing and shipping it from the 7th (i.e. payday)! So until tomorrow, stay tuned! I'll pop up some new spreads and then maybe, just maybe pop up some other design as well :)

M x

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2177 - 2179

Just the quickest of quick blog updates to tell you to go see Drive! Without a shadow of a doubt, my film of the year and has easily found it's way into my top 5! There is a cam TS available, but go-go to the cinema, trust me! You won't regret it :) M x

Monday, 26 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2173 - 2176

Don't you hate it, when you set out to do a day of work and everything just escapes you...? Today has been one of those days where you start the right way, then the universe decides to conspire to completely mess around with your plans... Ahh damn!

So last night I did a workout, then was KO'd by it, making me fall asleep earlier than I anticipated. Then after trying to come up with a rundown cover I was happy with, I realized I needed to print my CV... So I crack out the printer, only to find that in all the packing / repacking of the window's getting changed, the usb had gone walkies. I then spent half the day looking for it (for some reason, it was in the stereo cabinet) then find out that the ink supply was low. So that was a new colour cartridge that needed to be bought. Then the folks car broke down on the drive, so I was pretty much told if I wanted tea in the morning, I'd have to go grab milk. So I made the treck to Morrisons and back (which isn't long at all really) but by the time I sat down, it was almost half 6. A day out of the window. So naturally, being urked, I just chainsawed people in half in Gears of War 3 before I realized why I stopped playing 2, the damned over powered shotguns!!!

So anyways, enough moaning. I'm off to LANDAAAAN tomorrow (why that was capitalized, I know not...) so I need to finish packing. I'll try my best not to break this update streak of blogging and upload some of the street art / general cool stuff I see on the trip there!

M x

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2168 - 2172

Why how do there movie goers! The featured presentation tonight has been brought to you by a man, with a little too much time on his hands, to run and then design something based around it. It has been rated a 12a (PG-13 to all of you across the pond) as it contains some naughty words and an absurd narrative, that leaves me introducing a blog as a voice-over... So now I'll stop doing that because it was a very silly premise...

Just a bit of a quick update to show you how Rundown's coming along... All there's really left to do other than the illustrations is the foreword and possibly an over all stats analysis at the end of the issue... Oh, and a cover, but that's more illustration I guess! Suffice to say, if I do do a cover and another page layout, I can probably put it in my portfolio just in case any interviews come along :) I may even attempt to do that tonight!

As you can see, by flipping the 'Running On' page onto the left, the title worked a lot better, I nullified the tone to an orange on grey, as apposed to white on orange to better tie into the colour scheme / it looks nicer with the grid! (also, the wall shadow blends very nicely into a white page) The only real problem with the maps atm is the text... I'm going to do a few proof prints tomorrow to see how it looks, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to make it a lot more minimalist for the print version!

Hopefully a lot more to show tomorrow! Now to work out and then back onto the illustrations!

M x

Oh and P.S. Purely because I told Rhys I'd up it in on Facebook, here's the running ninja that almost got used in 'Running on'... Oh, I have fun...

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2164 - 2167

Shoop shoop, shoop de lang de lang. Oh balls, that's a Libertine's song. Scratch that from the record... Hello and good morrow! How are you today oh people of the interweb? I myself am fine and dandy, having taken a rest day to do some standing up comedy writing, which is always a treat! So I must admit, there's really not a lot to show you guys today, but as I got over 100 pages views yesterday (what's that about?!) I thought I'd treat you guys to some of the cool stuff I've seen around the net this week!

These BIRDBOXES are possibly one of the coolest things ever... Seriously, as a type-nerd and nature lover, I am seriously considering getting one or two of these for the folk's back garden... You know, something classy, like our surname 'BOYLE' in large, wooden bird box letters to nail to the washing line. I of course am joking, We'd put them on the front of the house.

I also happened to stumble across these old school beer cans via AisleOne (which is a fantastic blog).

Maaan, those beer cans are crazy! But a better question surely lies in who thought 'this beverage container will look good on a flickr page one day, best save it with the family jewels'... I guess the world of typenerds and creatives owes a lot to the late Victorian hoarder...

Other than that, I got sent this from my brawd earlier, a piece outside Hoxton overground. A quick google reveals it's by Cept (and apparently it's an 'iconic' piece of London street art), but damn! I can't wait to see it next week in person! It looks like it's probably a stencil of a panel from DC's 'The Flash', but it still looks sweet!

Anyways, that's it from me... gotta do a little bit more writing and then I'm off to bed. I'm up at 7 and I don't want to come home uber tired like I did today! There's things to be done, y'know!

M x

Friday, 23 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2160 - 2163

Hello world! I think that's a good way to start. I mean, it generally encompass everyone without being selective, right? Yes? Good times, we'll go with that then. Jeez, I really need to stop writing these things stream of consciousness, and come up with some sort of formal structure, but if I did that, where would the fun be? In a well formed and logical state I'd imagine...

Anyways, today has been quite chilled out if I'm being honest... I mean the weekend's here (which for me, means work) and as a result, I've just been taking my time, enjoying playing with some page formatting for Rundown... So here's a little snippet as to how the non-vectored pages will look! Because of the tight page size and the six column grid, the page essentially uses 2 columns each for text. Please forgive the pose, I'm no model but I thought it would make for an interesting layout dynamic and break the structure up a little.

Short of that, I've been vectoring maps of my running routes. As the clever people amongst you will have noticed on Wednesday's layout, the top left corner is 'Route B'... That's because opposite this page will be a corresponding image of my running routes! Please remember, at the end of the day, the aim of this is so that I can look back and see ma runs! Now back to my sweetened tea (couldn't last with no sugar... 7 calories and vanilla flavoring is surely better than two spoons sugars) and then to bed, up at 5

M x

Oh big P.S! Over 8000 pageviews! Wicked :)! Thanks to all of you that view this, it's the only reason I keep writing!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2157 - 2159

Hello Guys and Dolls, you bunch of crazy Guys and Dolls... That right there folks, is a Simpsons reference! Though I must say, despite my loving of a bit of musical theater combined with Mark Hamel's line 'This song wasn't even in the show', I still somehow thought I'd heard it sung by the original cast. Sometimes, I disappoint myself...

Anyways, there'll be no design on show today because most of the day was spent sussing out EXACTLY how many pages I need, what I want to talk about and how I'll lay that stuff out in Rundown. The other half, was spent in a sketchbook brainstorming for the 15+ Illustrations I realized that would be in the book! I'm spoiling you people... While I think I've got ONE down... I know exactly what I want to do for next month's! So a little bit of a catch 22 situation with it, but we shall see! Also I'm not sure if people would prefer I release spreads individually, then as a collection at the end of the month, or would your prefer a few little teases, then 30 odd pages of design at the end?

And as I don't want to write a novel like I did last night, I'll move swiftly onto this beauty! It finally arrived! My signed Jason Munn Tsunami relief Poster. Not only is it my favourite piece of Small Stakes printwork, but it's also signed by Deathcab! Oh, happy days!

I'm going to drool over it some more, then finish of Gears of War 3... I've been playing it responsibly, now it's time to end this!

M x

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2151 - 2156

So yeah... no design today - is what I bet you thought I'd say! It would be a fair assessment but I caught you out sucka! I came at you with with a left foot and like Shane Williams in his heyday, ran right and scored a try! Good times! 5 Points! Grand Slam! The rugby savvy amongst you will notice I didn't say 7, because we know back in Shane's prime, Steve Jones was too hot and cold to be a definite 7. But this isn't Rugby by Design (that would be boring), so before I hear 'get on with it' chanted at me holy grail style, I'll move swiftly on!

I have completed the Master Pages and all that jazz for Rundown today! Yes! Go Me! It took a solid day of faffing, trying some different body copy instead of 'Lightyear' (which is the logo font - those with a fastidious eye for detail will notice the 'playlist' body copy is set in Brandon Grotesque, this isn't an accident), but in the end decided with it for this installment because it's a nice title font and infographics are, at their heart, bold and flashy / meant to grab attention like titles anyways. So it's all good!

But no! I can now tell you what it is... While I was going to release the first page, the 'what is Rundown?' page. I wanted to write it up all nice and stuff, use some strong adjectives, high caliber nouns and some rhyming couplets, but I thought 'well, that would just be a chunk of body text... These people want a little design!' So I guess this is kinda spoiler territory if you do want to wait for that! So if so, just skip to the pretty graphic and read from there. That point on should be spoiler free, even if the graphic kinda gives it all away. Well then, I'll go ahead and answer the big question. What is Rundown?

In short, it's a running log. To be a little more precise, it's my own personal running log, designed nicely in a limited pallet and accompanied by an illustration for every entry. It'll also have some other stuff in it that will be running related such short reviews, logs of my running routes and possibly a few other little gimmicky things like playlists and what not, but at it's heart it's simply a running log so I can keep track of my running, as I get back into my favourite pastime that doesn't involve some kind of screen.

Short of some nicely laid out typography, I guess at this point there's nothing in it for you lovely people. Well, I guess you're right. That's where the illustration comes in. Not only will every run be accompanied by a different illustration (as you can tell by the example, this month's is very 'me') that I'm giving my self a blank creative canvas on, but EVERY month, the whole thing will change it's visual style. In short, I am giving myself a month to experiment with a different style and then at the end of that month, publish it in this form.

Hopefully it won't go too badly and it'll be enjoyable to read / look at, but I guess more importantly for me, it'll give me a chance to experiment with stuff / flex some design muscle and get out of the comfort zone! But as for the printing aspect of it, when I release Rundown #1, I will be printing 25 copies of it, which I believe will be FREE (yes, even P&P...) if anyone wants them. So y'know, anyone who wants one, shotgun a copy I guess!

Anyways, onto the design!

It's a six column grid, a little bigger than A4 with the copy all set out in 'Lightyear' to help with the infographic feel. While this one was done in Illustrator (I hear gasps) it's because not a lot is really going to be standardize to style sheets... Because I want it to look organic / have a very illustrated graphical feel to it, for the most part I guess I'll be exporting the finished layouts into Indesign later. The obvious exceptions to this will of course be the aforementioned 'What is Rundown' page / anything with a lot of body copy that will be included monthly, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

So yeah, comments are more than welcome. If you want a copy, let me know and no, I'm not sure if the 'running water man' illustration pictured here will be in the final thing! (Inside source tells me that Mat Boyle didn't even run on the 10th of September ;) )

Hope you guys like it... Now to finish transcribing all the raw data onto paper, then to bed :) Night night!

M x

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2146 - 2150

Wowzers. Go-Go-Gadget unproductive day... So after seeing the lads at the GLC last night, and having a pretty damned good night out in Swansea Town,  I got home to find some freelance work waiting for me! Hazaa! Which unfortunatly meant that I could not complete that page of rundown today... be patient, it's really not THAT exciting... Just should be quite cool. Don't worry, I have every intention of getting that sucker done tomorrow! In fact, as I've been teasing it so long, I may even put out a little print at home 'sampler' thingy of it. I'm to good to you guuuys.

But other than that, there's not been  a lot going down really, the freelance work as always, is nice and comes before personal projects... However, I did stumble across some damned good Black Swan posters by LaBoca that I want to share with you guys!

Hot Damn these posters are sexy! If they were available for print, I think I'd have to track at least that first one down... Pity they're not for a better movie though, ammierite?

Anyways, time to have a quick cup of sleepy time tea and hit the hay. I want to get up extra early tomorrow to mock up the freelance, so I can get a lot of Rundown done... Ahh, so little time!

M x

Monday, 19 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2142 - 2145

Just a quick note to keep up with the blogging as I'm off out for a social occasion! A little bit of rundown is done, but I really don't want to rush out a half finished page that isn't ready to be shown yet... I want to do it when it's ready. However, because I like you lovely people, I'm going to do one of the proper content pages tomorrow so you can see what it's REALLY all about.

M x

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2138 - 2141

Why hello there campers. Does that require a hi-di-hi? I know not. What I do know however, is that today has been awfully tired! Well, today I had a bit of a conundrum when I got in from work! Did I goto bed as I usually do on a Sunday afternoon, then end up getting up around 8 / 9 o'clock, only to then stay up until a silly time and throw my sleeping pattern out of whack again!

Or I could be responsible, ride out the tiredness and in doing so, goto bed at a reasonable time (oh say, right after I finish this blog post). However, due to the whole nap / silly o'clock sleeping time / early start pattern I want to avoid today, but yet committed yesterday. I am very. very tired right now. What does this mean? This means that there's not been a lot done other than attempting to edit some of the comic stuff talked about yesterday (as one or two amaaazing illustrators have shown an interest...). However, as I want them as a high quality as possible... I had to just save them as an uber rough draft, and now I'm going to have to re-do tomorrow -sigh-

So the million pound question is, what did I do with my day to stay awake. Well, this is a simple one. I read possibly the BEST comic series of all time (if not the best, then a close second. But as my favourite ever comic book is written by the same ruddy genius of a writer, I can't really bicker about it). THE WALKING DEAD.

Now I've read the first few comics of Robert Kirkman's long running, AMC award winning series inspiring, Romero inspired zombie saga many a time. However, as I've always been one to own and read Kirkman's books, mainly due to wanting to support such a high quality writer, I've not got around to purchasing past the second trade. This was until I happened to realize that someone had given me the complete run in ebooks at some point (found it on an old flash drive)! So while I may have had to download the last 10 books, I read it in all it's page turning, grip you by the balls story telling glory. Oh my Days! Suffice to say, if you've not read it, please. PLEASE, go here and at least read the first issue. There are many differences between the comic and the series, so don't let the 'I'll know whats happening' excuse put you off, because you really won't! Rick Grimes (the dude on the horse from the trailer...) is without a shadow of a doubt, one of the greatest characters ever created. With such a complex story arch and a million kick ass lines, trust me, you'll love him!

And with that knocked off and the hour growing late, I can goto bed, get up early and crack on with Rundown! I'm actually really excited about it! Which is really sad, I admit, but if I do it well, it's going to be cracking! Nighty Night all, some stuff to show tomorrow!

M x

Oh P.S. My favourite book of all time is probably Kirkman's Invincible... The first arch beats ANYTHING I've ever read by Marvel / DC hands down! Find the first one here! Also if you like his writing, check out Haunt. It's a book he wrote and Todd McFarlene (creator of Spawn) inks... It's damned good!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2134 - 2137

A rather strange day today, it must be said! After coming home from work (4am wake up today because of the weather, then in for 6... joy!) I had a kip, then began researching some places to print Rundown (did he say print? I think he did you know ;) ), and then began to read the two new books that came through my door today! (namely 8 Faces #3 and CSS - The Missing Manual, which I'll write about in more detail when I'm more than a 10th into it...), but then, something happened almost accidentally!

Back about a year or two ago, me and the very talent other half, Ms. Gemma Anderson started a very short lived idea of collaberating on a comic book series... I wrote it, she was going to illustrate it... However, this never came to be. I wrote the first trade and plotted out the first arch, which she did some preliminary sketches before uni got to hectic... But after accidentally opening the first issue's script after thinking it was something else (ahh, the days when I named files randomly...) I started writing. And I've got to say, I think it's a pretty strong draft! So what I'm wondering, is if anyone fancies doing a few sketches on some of the character bios I've got kicking around...? Hell, it's early days but if someone could get the art down, I'd probably pay for publishing it myself... Always wanted to write a comic book. I'm going to browse stuff like the Swansea Comic Collective, but if anyone fancies it, drop me a facebook message or something and we can have a chinwag!

So unfortunately, no design today either! But I PROMISE tomorrow you'll at least get a page layout (or at least a tease of one...)! Who knows, Monday you might even get the cover and so actual information on what it is ;)

M x

Friday, 16 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2132 - 2133

The lack of tea today should tell you the type of day it's been... After enjoying a few hours sketching layouts for Rundown this morning (I'm almost ready to start compiling the base elements, then I'll tell you what it is, I promise!), I then went to Swansea with my mate Jamie with the aim of buying a few new rough sketchbooks and project wallets to orgainise the stuff I'm working on a little better, but alas,  totally forgot to buy them as we didn't walk past Smiths! In fact, I forgot almost everything I went there for, minus the company and to finally see The Inbetweeners Movie (which I'd rate about 6/10 maybe? I was alright, felt a little diluted over 1hr 1/2).

Then when I got home and ran / began to commence work again, my Mum told me it's probably the last time I'll see my Nephew before he moves, which sucks! I love the kid... so most of my night has been spent playing games, reading Bunny Suicides (he's a smart kid, he gets it) and then watching a little bit of Disney's Robin Hood. Because after he goes, I honestly don't know when's the next time I'll see him, which is weird. But this diary entry sounds like the narrative to a 90's teen drama, so I shall move on.

So as a result, I've not really done a lot today, then on top of that, I forgot all the stuff I need for Monday onward (I've got enough paper to last the weekend I think!), so an uber quick trip to Swansea will be required Monday Morn (or maybe tomorrow afternoon, I'll go hassle the GLC kids a little...), to get things back on a 9 / 5 track.

So I'll leave you with a little nudge to go buy the digital copy of 8 Faces if you haven't already done so (I'll give my full rundown of issue #3 when it clunks through my mailbox...) And this video I lifted from Swiss-Miss of a lady called Jessi. Oh how it made me chuckle... I feel it's something I would do...

Rainbow Skateboard from Jessi Arrington on Vimeo.

Until tomorrow, I'll give you a sneak peak of Rundown, I promise!

M x

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2127 - 2131

Why hello there sports fans. I don't know why you would be, that's just an assumption on my part and I'm sorry for that. Another day of reading, paper based design and job applications here (thank you to Tom Ward for his uber tip of spread sheeting my applications! Go check out his illustration here!). So there's really not a lot to do, but partially review a book and show you some design from the blog hiatus! Exciting times!

Yesterday, I said I was reading a book by Andy Clark (you can read about that below or here), which is a pretty damned good book. However, after doing a little research into the rest of the books published by Five Simple Steps, I discovered that there was a book I should probably read before it... By none other than Mark Boulton called 'A Practical Guide to Design for Web'.

 Now. I'm over 100 pages in. And the book has not yet touched on Web Design. But the book is fucking fascinating! It talks about Boulton's own experiences working for different sized design agencies, then starting his own business, then to how he approaches (and believes other should) research and the design process. For the most part, it reads a lot like Adrian Shaughnessy's 'How to be a Graphic Designer without losing your soul', (which is a fantastic read, the latest version can be found here, but I linked to the one I read because i'm not sure of the changes...) but then it almost becomes a basic design school for web designers who've not undertaken design training. I won't lie, there's some stuff in here I didn't know and I'm now somewhat of a type nerd. I can't wait to get the web design part, but honestly, pick it up if you can. The first half of the book alone is worth the cover price.

Anyways, onto some actual design! This is some work I did for Fierce Panda that I don't think ever got used, but I was quite fond of it. Just a basic logotype for their new monthly night, Bamboozled! I'm particularly fond of the white one, but there you go! What do you guys think?

M x

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2123 - 2126

Hello there all! It is I, the boy who has been very unproductive today...

Such is life I suppose! After a day or two of making some designs I'm quite proud of, today was the start of my 'eat healthy' and 'run daily' kick, and it's left my body in a bit of a sugar coma. I've cut the sugar out of my tea, gone back down to skimmed milk and been eating a shit tone of  fruit and veg. I am not used to this nutrition, thus my mind is without sugar, and like the TUC, considering strike action.

So I took the day, post run / food shopping, reading a wicked book by Andy Clarke called 'Hard Boiled Web Design'. The book published by Five Simple Steps (who are Mark Boulton's publishing company - damn, I really wish I'd got that job now I'm into web...), and focuses on the debate of why we should be using HTML 5 and CSS3 now, as apposed to waiting until the W3C deems it as completed (Which, according to the book, will be around 2022).

The books is a nice, light read, filled with my kind of humor (as you can probably tell from the title, the book is filled with Pulp Crime / Film Noir references and at times, in the dialect of a 30/40's detective)! It gets to its point pretty quickly and from there, begins to break down the reasons why we as designers need to champion HTML 5 / CSS3 now to allow for an exciting web.

The most important lesson in the book so far (I'm only 90 or so pages in at the time of posting), is the emphasis that websites absolutely DO NOT need to look the same in each browser. While certain brands may require this, Clarke states that these slight shifts in the display habits and capabilities of browsers, should be embraced as a form of creativity, allowing for a more defined user experience (after all, different kinds of people use different kinds of browsers).

Now I've kinda come to terms with the fact that HTML only dictates to a browser what a page should look like, which was a silly hard thing for me to get used to. I'm a print designer, I like the level of control. But to embrace these differences as a higher level of creativity, well that just sounds like the right thing to do.

Suffice to say, I'm edging over to the dark side of web design, and as am such, am going to try to find a placement doing it if a certain dream job doesn't come off. I'll give the book a full review when I'm done, but from what I've read so far, it's defiantly worth picking up!

Other than that, something to watch and be inspired by is this! The Museum of Obsolete Objects, a youtube channel which I think is pretty damned funky! It's designed by German Digital Agency Jung von Matt/Next. It's an appreciation of (and almost a digital tomb too...) those objects and devices of yesteryear that have been replaced or improved upon by advances in technology. Why it's a youtube channel / the mechanical whisk (I bought one a few months back and still use it...) is in there, I know not. But it's still a pretty funky idea anyways. That's the second time I've used funky (now third...) in this paragraph, so it must be so!

Anyways, time for bed... I promise there'll be a more productive day with physical work tomorrow. That is of course, unless my brain holds me hostage until I resume putting 2 sugars in my tea...

M x

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2118 - 2122

Good Evening Chaps and Chapesses! I made that word up apparently as spellchecker went nuts...

So first off, I feel like an idiot! For those who looked at the image of the new blogger, there's a reason that page looked like a HTML editor, that's because it IS the HTML editor for the blog! I feel like a right numpty... Following yesterday's theme of taking pictures of the UI while typing, here goes! The REAL new blogger...

Unfortunatly, I now have to switch back and forth between the 'Compose' and 'HTML' option to insert a bloody picture... -sigh-
Anyways, as promised! The new flyer I did today, isn't that fun! For an up and coming gig at London's Bull and Gate, I like it! Though I did prefer my original moon, I wasn't happy with it's Res, so had to redo it... oh well, you live and learn!

Short of that, I've been playing around with grids and mindmaps etc. of Rundown, which I may even have a draft of tomorrow :o Who knows! I shall have to see how the day goes... Hopefully will record the first new Episode of Twoddle tomorrow too, then edit / upload it on Thursday or Friday :) However, this will be the NEW #001! The old two will be deleted when it's uploaded! So if you want to listen me babble crap, go download them while you can!

And on that note, it's time for a workout, a fresh cuppa and then to bed.  Nighty night!

M x

Monday, 12 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2111 - 2117

Hello Hello lovely people! Bare with me... I've just switched over to the new Blogger layout and it's... alright, I guess? The break down of traffic etc. is a very nice feature to have, but I'm not to sure about this posting screen... For those not on blogger, I'll take a sneaky screen grab!

As you can see, it's very google plus in its minimalism. Some would even say there's a little bit TOO much white space, but hell, I've been staring at TextWrangler for the last week, so it just looks like a plain text editor to me! For those with a fastidious, I literally took that then... Improvised blogging man, it's like freeform jazz... Though a nice feature that's been missing for awhile, is that pictures now appear at the cursor point, and aren't automatically placed at the top of the post! Now Google, just give me some sweet customization options and the ability to host this on my own server, and we'll be the best of friends!

Anyways, enough about blogger. I've been setting affairs in order for the most part today, emailing sources for freelance and scribbling down some rough page layouts, I did get a litttle bit of graphic design done for an up coming project, the logo for what I hope to be working on for the next few weeks! And while I shall reveal the logo and it's name now, what it is for now at least, will be a secret :) Though don't worry to much, I plan on working on it tomorrow afternoon after some freelance, so I'm sure it'll pop up on here sometime this week :)

But other than that, I've been whiling away the weekend by listening to Never Not Funny's new Podcast, Rock Solid. I say new, but it's been kicking around on my iPod since its launch in August, and while I've listened to it passively, I've started to listening to it while running. 'Lulz' and excellent music certainly help take my mind off shitty weather! For those who've listened to Never Not Funny, it's a show with podcast regular Pat Francis and a gentleman by the name of Gary Lucy. The basic premise is just two people talking about music, not in a 'lets analyze the cultural impact of the Bee Gees' way, but in what movie posters tend to describe as a light hearted romp. It's the kind of stuff you talk about to pass the time at work or in predrinks, such as who has the best debut album? Or what's the best Bond Theme? Just me talking about that shit in pre-drinks? No wonder I've got such a bad rep... As the 'NNF presents' would suggest, both of the hosts are ex comics / writers / lovers of music, so it's fun and educational. And by educational, I mean by giving me some new tracks to listen to, which can never be a bad thing. I highly recommend it. A word of warning however, the podcast uses Hockey's Song Away as it's theme tune, and my God, as a result it's been in my head for around a month...

With that in mind, the third episode of the podcast, entitled 'CD Force Feed', saw Mr. Francis and Mr. Lucy give each other an album to listen to that the other hasn't heard, in an attempt to gauge their opinion and hopefully convert them to a fan of that band. While Gary has quite a broad taste in music, Pat is a very big fan of '80s rock (Kiss, Van Halen etc.). Hilarity ensues. So when Pat was given his album, The Black Keyes (Grammy Award Winning) Album, Brothers, Pat was not at all impressed!

"This album is for trust-fund hipsters. The first thing, It was always tough for me to get past the 'oh look how cute and clever we are album cover. This is an album by The Black Keys, this album is called brothers'. (Gary - That's a nice Cooper font.) And on the back it says, These are the songs on the album and these are the guy's that aren't very good in the band." Pat Francis.

So naturally, I couldn't resist but to do an album cover spoof for the podcast...

I tweeted it to them and they loved it haha! So go listen imho, you honestly won't regret it :) On that note, I'm off to bed... Got some running to do first thing and then on with some freelance :) Hopefully a new flyer for the folio and a sneak peak at Rundown ;)

M x

Friday, 9 September 2011

Cups of Tea 2102 - 2110

Hello, Hello World. My apologies once again folks, the wonders of working in a house that isn't mine has completely destroyed all my plans for this week. The folks had new windows fitted and as a result, there's been drills, hammers and all sorts of interference and interruptions that have pretty much made the work I wanted to start on most projects neigh on impossible.

But never fear, I'll be making a start on them Monday, as well as the return to regular daily blogging and hopefully weekly podcasting... We shall see how it goes :)

So now that you're up to date, here's an update on the current life and times of Mr. M. S. Boyle, I'm off to bed! Nighty Night!

M x

Monday, 5 September 2011

Cups of Tea 1964 - 2101

Why hello there people of the world! Where have I been you might ask? Well that would be telling, but tell I shall! I'm good like that! As was seen by the wall of orderly sorted-ness in one of my last posts, I've been getting my act together! With a little bit of freelance here, taking some time to write stand up that I didn't get to perform, but more importantly... learning how to code.

HTML, then XHTML, then CSS, now HTML 5 and CSS3. I might even throw in a little bit of Javascript... We'll see how far it goes...

For those who know me well, this might come as a bit of a shock. I was, for a very long time, annoyed at web. Perhaps this might seem a little silly for somebody who wanted to be a Graphic Designer, but when you're a designer who's bread and butter is print based design, where all elements are fully controlled by the designer, down to the tiniest detail, where what you see is what you get, web was a frustration.

This is something I'll cover a little more in the upcoming week when I relaunch Twoddle, but I seriously got annoyed by Web. I'm past that now... Past it so much in fact, that I might have a bit of a crush on web design at the moment! Hence why i've been so methodical in my learning of code (I'm pretty much fluent in the elements I have learned now). So the plan for next week is to begin a total over-hall of as well as the start of two new semi-daily projects :)

I should have one of them up tomorrow (hey, I'm almost at the end of my second book on html / css, I'm long over due some design!) for your viewing pleasure and more on how that's going to work... I may also design a tumblr to accompany this fine blog o' mine, for the more image conscious of you all :)

Until tomorrow ladies and gents, I shall leave you with this wonderful Etsy product by the user Gnomesweeetgnome, which is further proof that the simplest ideas are the best... it's a tissue box!

M x