The logo for the Florist is done, The Stationary will be sorted in this hectic coming week. On top of it, I've got two flyers to knock up (one for the first Giant Haystacks night, the other for the Bull and Gate's 30 year celebration taking place throughout September) and some more of my rabbits to do... I'll post a blog containing the two (possibly 4 by that point...) that i've knocked up probably Sunday :) I also did a small acrylic canvas yesterday which rather therapeutic!
Other than that, I found out I'm off to Reading next weekend (purely for Blink 182...) with the brother (hence the hectic week, dentist and design Monday, work tues weds...), Watched all of Fringe (which was amazing) and popped to Bristol on Wednesday to finally see their Art From The New World exhibition!
The exhibition was amazing if not a little small. 49 mostly original pieces from American Illustrators including Luke Chueh (below), Gary Baseman and Joe Ledbetter. While it was missing afew of my favourites (Amanda Visell for one :( ) it was still a great show, some snaps from it are below :D

If you get a chance / are bored over the weekend, catch it before it closes Sunday!
And with that, i'm off to bed. Hopefully there'll be a flyer or two to show you tomorrow :)
M x