Thursday night after posting the last update, sat at the laptop in my usual fashion speaking to Gem turned into a bit of a nightmare, I felt seriously ill. Like Shaky ill. The next morning I felt ill. So ill in fact, I got up at 5am and crashed on the sofa while attempting to get a glass of water. It was hear I remained, drifting in and out of consciousness for the next 6 hours as I awaited the visit from the house calling GP. He visited, poked and prodded me abit before writing an letter to the chief of Surgery at Singleton Hospital, where I was immediately taken.
Cue 3 days of awkward sleep, seemingly endless blood tests and the only thing I was allowed to consume were clear liquids (i.e. bloody water...). It turns out my GP thought my mumps had spread to my Pancreas, something that would have seriously fucked me for the next year or so, but gladly the levels of Amylase in my blood didn't go over 264 (100 normal, 1000 cut that shit out of you...) while I was there so I got released with painkillers and the advice to simply rest.
Which from the radio silence, I have been. Got some reading done, designed 26 characters of a font (Just the Caps) and written 2000 words of a novella between sleep. But it's been mostly sleep, I get tired very easily (looking for my wallet on Wednesday for 10 mins was enough to almost KO me for two hours...)
More on what i've been doing tomorrow, but until then, if anyone want's to buy me this Luke Chueh piece to cheer me up, hit me up for the postal address ;)

M x
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