Regardless, deadlines are looming... panic is setting in all around me, the sensible thing must be achieved. BOWLING! Yes kids, I wasted a night bowling and it was fun! Good times were had by all (except maybe Aaron...) and I got a free burger out of it. Lovely jubbley.
So after this procrastination, some work needed to be done and work I did... I planned out a projected outgoings for my professional studies to include wages (dependent on if we MADE anything the first year)... Employing 4 people at minimum wage costs almost 10 times the office rent / bills / kitting the office out... I shit my pants when I realized our expenditure would be almost £50k if we did move the company into an office and got paid to work... If it's like that for a card company, God help how much it'd cost a design agency to get started up...
I also knocked up a playful double page spread for my sins and virtues... On which I will end this blog. I'm knackered! Hope you enjoy it!
M x
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