Hi, How've you guys been?
Luckily, I've already filled you in about a week or two ago as to what's been going on and I've decided that Teasign will live on. They say you can't keep a good man down and by this sentiment, I guess it's true you can't keep a good blog down. So with eager fingers and a good brew, I begin again... typically on an uneventful day. Damn.
Had to work today and worked on a current project called "Seven Deadly Sins", the premise of which is designing a booklet 230mm x 160mm on seven sins and virtues of being a graphic designer... My ideas have expanded alot over the time I've been given the brief, starting as photographs with type in 3d environments, to photo-montage, to signs and symbols of navigation, narrowing it down further to hospital guidelines and now to something a little like the
Feltron report... Well alot like the 2005 one in sense of layout... not its actual content and style.
I'm pretty much planning on a simple vector illustration on the left, then splitting the right hand side of the page into 4, the top left being a diagram (pie chart, graph etc.), top right being a quote, bottom left being a fact / statistic on the sin/virtue and the bottom right being my thoughts on it. Should be quite snazzy... need to start it digitally tomorrow so I have something to show to my lecturers on Monday. Completed one of my projects for next Friday based on a fictional rock star (which i'll post up later in the week) and started initial ideas for my fashion brand.
For fear of sounding like Karl Pilkinton, I'll approach the next topic with caution. Those who know me well (well, anyone that reads this blog to some degree...) will know I'm always buying new tea in search of the perfect brew... I shit you not, currently residing in the dorm is 8 different types of teabag and some twinning tealeaves... But this is the first time I've ever thought - "Is this the only variable?"
Bare with me.
I mean the tea bag obviously effects the taste of the brew... but what about the milk? The water? Hell, even the sugar / amount of it. The Brew Time? The Water Temperature... Jesus, I've though about this too much... but I smell a future project here haha... I shall experiment with some Glen Getti on monday and get back to you...
But until tommorow children, here's the new Cool for Cats flyer

M x