Hohoho? To soon I guess, but nevermind! Hello and good day to you all! quite a nice day in terms of it's content, some freelance work (that may possibly lead to a job) won and a suit to wear for my graduation tomorrow! Hazaa! So yes, to continue the London talk, but this time with pictures of work I actually created myself. By hand. With markers! Its fun stuff!
So the exhibition went very well. Overall, I got offered a few interviews and the possibility of future work from some interested companies! A lot of business cards received and a lot more taken which made New Designers very much a worth while en devour... especially if I get one of the jobs I was offered an interview for! But more on that later... the interview is quite a way away!
But back to the point at hand! During this trip to New Designers, a contest was held for
Secret Wars, for those who don't know, is a kind of 'street art battle' of sorts, where a group of illustrators competes another group of illustrators to paint a huge mural, which is then voted on. Upon seeing this, the Illustrators of the old SMU went out and bought a massive roll of paper and several marker pens. They then drew on this huge scroll, then illustrators from Portsmouth joined in, followed by a few other people (yours truly included...) to create something that was nothing short of a master piece. Suffice to say, my involvement in this one was minimal and I don't have a picture of the finished thing... but I'll try and get one! This will have to do for now!

Roll on Saturday. When the need to create another scroll of awesomeness was demanded by the general population! The wonderful students of Portsmouth supplied the paper, New Designers tweeted it was happening, then we got to it! Here's some pictures of the general thing, then some of my terribly dull contributions!

My Rabbit!

My Unicornasaurus!
And who says I can't draw ;) Anywho, that's it for me for tonight! Gotta goto bed, as I graduate tomorrow! Ohhhh, EXCITING!
M x