Sunday, 15 May 2011

Cups of Tea 1423 - 1459

Holy Crap... My bad ladies and gentleman respectively! It has been a no holds bared, adrenaline (and Relentless...) fueled, nose to the grindstone this month! I can't believe I haven't updated in a month! It's a bit of a kick in the teeth of how fast this last 4 weeks or so has gone. I remember being sat down at my mums, drinking a cup of tea and writing the last post up... And here I am, just over 30 days later, and pretty much at the end of my degree!

It's been weeks of mounting, typing, cleaning and sorting, and in terms of blog posting, it's been pretty uneventful. To much happening to really design anything new (hell if I did, I'm almost out of cash to print it!) so it's just been pretty hard going. Not even that much Tea drunk if I'm being honest. My first cup this week is currently brewing, as I've not really been here to use the kettle! I've either been at Uni or at The Grand Theater (where my work is currently being exhibited... pictures to follow tomorrow or Tuesday) and haven't had time to indulge! That will soon change, a lot of Tea + Movies + Sleep + Design is going to happen over the next few days!

So why the early blog post? Well, I feel I owe you something to read on a Sunday Afternoon, before I tuck into the last of this work... Just a sneaky peak at my Marketing and Self Promotion Design woot woot ;)

M x