The absence of the blog over the last month or so was self initiated. It wasn't because I didn't have the time or the energy to write something, it's just I didn't want too, which in itself is a sad thought.
Those last months of November were stressful. I didn't manage my time properly and it really bit me (and practically everyone else I know for that matter...) in the arse when time got closer too the deadlines. Most designers who read this (being from the same course...) will understand, that after this kinda pressure, you just really need a break, so I took one. No shame in admitting when things get a little too much to bare the grunt of. But now I'm back, and God, I assure you I'm back.
While it wasn't so much a break (one and a half weeks of work, followed by Christmas, then boxing day, then a birthday, then a second quieter birthday, then an anniversary, then finally a break. Then New Year's Eve and today, New Year's Day. What Can I say? December is a busy month in my family (Christmas babies...) but if it has taught me anything, it's that now it's had a time to reflect on the hard work that came before, coupled with the spirit crushing world of retail and Christmas music, combined with the blessings and curses of family, my spirit is eager to be as ambitious as I can be.
That is why, after today, as well as the now daily (yes, every day... this time for real, I promise...) exploits of Teasign, I'm launching a separate music blog called
Trawler, the aim of which will be to report on new artists and such, as well as looking at some beautiful music design (flyers, sleeve design etc.) that I come across in the hour a day now set aside for trawling the tinterweb for music. While this is only temporary to see how I go (hell, I'm hardly keeping one blog going at the moment), I've got a few exciting ideas for it should it take off.
But What of Teasign, I hear you ask? Well there are many exciting plans for Teasign, don't you worry... but that would be telling I'm afraid. While I plan to revamp this baby over the next month or so (I'm considering moving blog hosts...) hopefully the blog will be expanding in itself. I hope to cover not only design of other designers / things I've read, but start life tracking a little, ending the blog in a similar fashion to DA journal entries, including films / shows I've seen that day, music I've listened too, what I'm reading and what I've run as well as tea consumed. This is more self reflective than interesting I'm sure, but if it helps me run more, read more and allow myself a little more entertainment, why the devil not!
Bah, look at all this serious banter, live in the now children and rejoice in your hangovers, David Tennant is no longer Doctor Who, Gavin and Stacey are Married and it's the year 2010. Those misconceptions of 2009 are yesterdays news, go out and be who ever you want to be. And on that note... time too trawl!
Same Time Tomorrow? Cya Then.